Patrologioe Cursus Completus. Series Secunda. Tomi CLVIIICLIX. S. Anselmus. [Ed. ABBE MIGNE]. Paris, 1853.


CHURCH. A. W. St. Anselm. [Third Edition]. London, 1873


FRANCK, G F. Anselm von Canterbury. Tubingen, 1842.


HASSE, F. R. Anselm von Canterbury. Leipzig, 1843. 2 volumes.


­The same. Translated and abridged by W.Turner. London, 1850.


REMUSAT, CHARLES DE. Anselme de Canterbury. Paris, 1854; 2nd ed., 1868.


RIGG, J. M. St. Anselm of Canterbury. London, 1896.


RULE M. The Ltfe and Times of St. Anselm. London, 1883. 2 volumes.


DE VOSGES, LE COMTE DOMET. Saint Anselme, in the series Les Grands Philosophes. Paris, 1901.


WELCH, A. C. Anselm and His Work. Edinburgh, 1901.


BAUR, F. C. Vorlesungen uber die christliche Dogmengeschichte. Leipzig, 1866. Zweiter Band, 249­251, 298 ff.


ERDMANN, J. E. A History of Philosophy. English Translation [Ed. W. S. HOUGH]. London, 1891. Vol I., 303­314.

HEGEL, G. W. F. Lectures on the History of Philosophy. Translated from the German by E. S. Haldane and F. H. Simson. London, 1896. Vol. III., 61­67.


HOOK, W. T. Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury. London, 1862. Vol. VIII., 169­276.


MAURICE, F.D. Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy. London, 1882. Vol. I., 507­533.


PFLEIDERER, 0. The Philosophy of Religion. Translated by A. Menzies. London, 1888. Vol. III., 271­276.


UEBERWEG, F.1 History of Philosophy. Translated by G. S. Morris. New York, 1892. Vol. I., 377­386.

1 Ueberweg gives the titles of German and Latin dissertations on Anselm not included in this list.




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