The CONFERENCES of John Cassian Translation and Notes by Edgar C.S. Gibson From: A Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Second Series, Volume 11 New York, 1894 Contents ---------- THE FIRST PART OF THE CONFERENCES OF JOHN CASSIAN, CONTAINING CONFERENCES I-X. PREFACE. I.--FIRST CONFERENCE OF ABBOT MOSES; ON THE GOAL OR AIM OF THE MONK. CHAPTER I.--Of our stay in Scete, and that which we proposed to Abbot Moses. CHAPTER II.--Of the question of Abbot Moses, who asked what was the goal and what the end of the monk. CHAPTER III.--Of our reply. CHAPTER IV.--Of Abbot Moses' question on the aforesaid statement. CHAPTER V.--A comparison with a man who is trying to hit a mark. CHAPTER VI.--Of those who in renouncing the world, aim at perfection without love. CHAPTER VII.--How peace of mind should be sought. CHAPTER VII.--Of the main effort towards the contemplation of heavenly things, and an illustration from the case of Martha and Mary. CHAPTER IX.--A question how it is that the practice of virtue cannot remain with a man. CHAPTER X.--The answer that not the reward, but the doing of the works will come to an end. CHAPTER XI.--Of the abiding character of love. CHAPTER XII.--A question on perseverance in spiritual contemplation. CHAPTER XIII.--The answer concerning the direction of the heart. CHAPTER XIV.--Of the continuance of the soul. CHAPTER XV.--How we must meditate on God. CHAPTER XVI.--A question on the changing character of the thoughts. CHAPTER XVII.--The answer what the mind can, and what it cannot do with regard to the state of its thoughts. CHAPTER XVIII.--Comparison of a soul and a mill-stone. CHAPTER XIX.--Of the threefold origin of our thoughts. CHAPTER XX.--About discerning the thoughts, with an illustration from a good money changer. CHAPTER XXI.--Of the illusion of Abbot John. CHAPTER XXII.--Of the fourfold method of discrimination. CHAPTER XXIII.--Of the discourse of the teacher in regard to the merits of his hearers. II.--THE SECOND CONFERENCE OF ABBOT MOSES; ON DISCRETION. CHAPTER I.--Abbot Moses' introduction on the grace of discretion. CHAPTER II.--What discretion alone can give a monk; and a discourse of the blessed Antony on this subject. CHAPTER III.--Of the error of Saul and of Ahab, by which they were deceived through lack of discretion. CHAPTER IV.--What is said of the value of discretion in Holy Scripture. CHAPTER V.--Of the death of the old man Heron. CHAPTER VI.--Of the destruction of two brethren for lack of discretion. CHAPTER VII.--Of an illusion into which another fell for lack of discretion. CHAPTER VIII.--Of the fall and deception of a monk of Mesopotamia. CHAPTER IX.--A question about the acquirement of discretion. CHAPTER X.--The answer how true discretion may be gained. CHAPTER XI.--The words of Abbot Serapion on the decline of thoughts that are exposed to others, and also on the danger of self-confidence. CHAPTER XII.--A confession of the modesty which made us ashamed to reveal our thoughts to the elders. CHAPTER XIII.--The answer concerning the trampling down of shame, and the danger of one without contrition. CHAPTER XIV.--Of the call of Samuel. CHAPTER XV.--Of the call of the Apostle Paul. CHAPTER XVI.--How to seek for discretion. CHAPTER XVII.--On excessive fasts and vigils. CHAPTER XVIII.--A question on the right measure of abstinence and refreshment. CHAPTER XIX.--Of the best plan for our daily food. CHAPTER XX.--An objection, on the case of that abstinence, in which a man is sustained by two biscuits. CHAPTER XXI.--The answer concerning the value and measure of well proved abstinence. CHAPTER XXII.--What is the usual limit both of abstinence, and of partaking food. CHAPTER XXIII.--Quemadmodum abundantia umorem genitalium castigetur. CHAPTER XXIV.--Of the difficulty of uniformity in eating, and of the gluttony of Brother Benjamin. CHAPTER XXV.--A question how it is possible always to observe one and the same measure. CHAPTER XXVI.--The answer how we should not exceed the proper measure of food. III.--CONFERENCE OF ABBOT PAPHNUTIUS; ON THE THREE SORTS OF RENUNCIATIONS. CHAPTER I.--Of the life and conduct of Abbot Paphnutius. CHAPTER II.--Of the discourse of the same old man, and our reply to it. CHAPTER III.--The statement of Abbot Paphnutius on the three kinds of vocations, and the three sorts of renunciations. CHAPTER IV.--An explanation of the three callings. CHAPTER V.--How the first of these calls is of no use to a sluggard, and the last is no hindrance to no one who is in earnest. CHAPTER VI.--An account of the three sorts of renunciations. CHAPTER VII.--How we can attain perfection in each of these sorts of renunciations. CHAPTER VIII.--Of our very own possessions, in which the beauty of the soul is seen or its foulness. CHAPTER IX.--Of three sorts of possessions. CHAPTER X.--That no one can become perfect merely through the first grade of renunciation. CHAPTER XI.--A question on the free-will of man and the grace of God. CHAPTER XII.--The answer on the economy of Divine grace with free-will still remaining in us. CHAPTER XIII.--That the ordering of our way comes from God. CHAPTER XIV.--That knowledge of the law is given by the guidance and illumination of the Lord. CHAPTER XV.--That the understanding, by means of which we can recognize God's commands and the performance of a good will, are gifts from the Lord. CHAPTER XVI.--That faith itself must be given us by the Lord. CHAPTER XVII.--That temperateness and the endurance of temptations must be given us by the Lord. CHAPTER XVIII.--That the continual fear of God must be bestowed on us by the Lord. CHAPTER XIX.--That the beginning of our good-will and its completion come from God. CHAPTER XX.--That nothing can be done in this world without God. CHAPTER XXI.--An objection on the power of free-will. CHAPTER XXII.--The answer, viz., that our free-will always has need of the help of the Lord. IV.--CONFERENCE OF ABBOT DANIEL; ON THE LUST OF THE FLESH AND OF THE SPIRIT. CHAPTER I.--Of the life of Abbot Daniel. CHAPTER II.--An investigation of the origin of a sudden change of feeling from inexpressible joy to extreme dejection of mind. CHAPTER III.--His answer to the question raised. CHAPTER IV.--How there is a twofold reason for the permission and allowance of God. CHAPTER V.--How our efforts and exertions are of no use without God's help. CHAPTER VI.--How it is sometimes to our advantage to be left by God. CHAPTER VII.--Of the value of the conflicts which the Apostle makes to consist in the struggle between the flesh and the spirit. CHAPTER VIII.--A question how it is that in the Apostle's chapter, after he has spoken of the lusts of the flesh and spirit opposing one another, he adds a third thing, viz., man's will. CHAPTER IX.--The answer on the understanding of one who asks rightly. CHAPTER X.--That the word "flesh" is not used with one single meaning only. CHAPTER XI.--What the Apostle means by flesh in this passage; and what the lust of the flesh is. CHAPTER XII.--What is our free-will which stands in between the lust of the flesh and the spirit. CHAPTER XIII.--Of the advantage of the delay which results from the struggle between the flesh and the spirit. CHAPTER XIV.--Of the incurable depravity of spiritual wickedness. CHAPTER XV.--Of the value of the lust of the flesh against the spirit in our case. CHAPTER XVI.--Of the excitement of the flesh, without the humiliation of which we should fall more grievously. CHAPTER XVII.--Of the lukewarmness of eunuchs. CHAPTER XVIII.--The question what is the difference between the carnal and natural man. CHAPTER XIX.--Answer concerning the threefold condition of souls. CHAPTER XX.--Of those who renounce the world but ill. CHAPTER XXI.--Of those who having made light of great things busy themselves about trifles. V.--CONFERENCE OF ABBOT SERAPION; ON THE EIGHT PRINCIPAL FAULTS. CHAPTER I.--Our arrival at Abbot Serapion's cell, and inquiry on the different kinds of faults, and the way to overcome them. CHAPTER II.--Abbot Serapion's enumeration of the eight principal faults. CHAPTER III.--Of the two classes of faults, and their fourfold manner of acting upon us. CHAPTER IV.--A review of the passions of gluttony and fornication, and their remedies. CHAPTER V.--How our Lord alone was tempted without sin. CHAPTER VI.--Of the manner of the temptation in which our Lord was attacked by the devil. CHAPTER VII.--How vain-glory and pride can be consummated without any assistance from the body. CHAPTER VIII.--Of covetousness, which is something outside our nature, and of the difference between it and those faults which are natural to us. CHAPTER IX.--How dejection and Accidie generally arise without any external provocation, as in the case of other faults. CHAPTER X.--How six of these faults are related, and the two which differ from them are akin to one another. CHAPTER XI.--Of the origin and character of each of these faults. CHAPTER XII.--How vain-glory may be useful to us. CHAPTER XIII.--Of the different ways in which all these faults assault us. CHAPTER XIV.--Of the struggle into which we must enter against our faults when they attack us. CHAPTER XV.--How we can do nothing against our faults without the help of God, and how we should not be puffed up by victories over them. CHAPTER XVI.--Of the meaning of the seven nations of whose lands Israel took possession, and the reason why they are sometimes spoken of as "seven" and sometimes as "many". CHAPTER XVII.--A question with regard to the comparison of seven nations with eight faults. CHAPTER XVIII.--The answer how the number of eight nations is made up in accordance with the eight faults. CHAPTER XIX.--The reason why one nation is to be forsaken, while seven are commanded to be destroyed. CHAPTER XX.--Of the nature of gluttony, which may be illustrated by the simile of the eagle. CHAPTER XXI.--Of the lasting character of gluttony as upheld against some philosophers. CHAPTER XXII.--How it was that God foretold to Abraham that Israel would have to drive out ten nations. CHAPTER XXIII.--How it is useful for us to take possession of their lands. CHAPTER XXIV.--How the lands from which the Canaanites were expelled had been assigned to the seed of Shem. CHAPTER XXV.--Different passages of Scripture on the meaning of the eight faults. CHAPTER XXVI.--How, when we have got the better of the passion of gluttony, we must take pains to gain all the other virtues. CHAPTER XXVII.--That our battles are not fought with our faults in the same order as that in which they stand in the list. VI.--CONFERENCE OF ABBOT THEODORE; ON THE DEATH OF THE SAINTS. CHAPTER I.--Description of the wilderness, and the question about the death of the saints. CHAPTER II.--Abbot Theodore's answer to the question proposed to him. CHAPTER III.--Of the three kinds of things that there are in the world, viz., good, bad, and indifferent. CHAPTER IV.--How evil cannot be forced on any one by another against his will. CHAPTER V.--An objection, how God Himself can be said to create evil. CHAPTER VI.--The answer to the question proposed. CHAPTER VII.--A question whether the man who causes the death of a good man is guilty, if the good man is the gainer by his death. CHAPTER VIII.--The answer to the foregoing question. CHAPTER IX.--The case of Job who was tempted by the devil, and of the Lord who was betrayed by Judas, and how prosperity as well as adversity is advantageous to a good man. CHAPTER X.--Of the excellence of the perfect man who is figuratively spoken of as ambidextrous. CHAPTER XI.--Of the two kinds of trials which come upon us in a threefold way. CHAPTER XII.--How the upright man ought to be like a stamp, not of wax, but of hard steel. CHAPTER XIII.--A question whether the man can constantly continue in the one and same condition. CHAPTER XIV.--The answer to the points raised by the questioner. CHAPTER XV.--How one loses by going away from one's cell. CHAPTER XVI.--How even celestial powers above are capable of change. CHAPTER XVII.--That no one is dashed to the ground by a sudden fall. VII.--FIRST CONFERENCE OF ABBOT SERENUS; ON INCONSTANCY OF MIND AND SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS. CHAPTER I.--Of the chastity of Abbot Serenus. CHAPTER II.--The question of the aforesaid old man on the state of our thoughts. CHAPTER III.--Our answer on the fickle character of our thoughts. CHAPTER IV.--The discourse of the old man on the state of the soul and its excellence. CHAPTER V.--Of the perfection of the soul, as drawn from the comparison of the centurion in the Gospel. CHAPTER VI.--Of perseverance as regards care of the thoughts. CHAPTER VII.--A question on the roving tendency of the mind, and the attacks of spiritual wickedness. CHAPTER VIII.--The answer on the help of God and the power of free-will. CHAPTER IX.--A question on the union of the soul with devils. CHAPTER X.--The answer how unclean spirits are united with human souls. CHAPTER XI.--An objection whether unclean spirits can be present in or united with the souls of those whom they have filled. CHAPTER XII.--The answer how it is that unclean spirits can lord it over the possessed. CHAPTER XIII.--How spirits cannot be penetrated by spirits, and how God alone is incorporeal. CHAPTER XIV.--An objection as to how we ought to believe that devils see into the thoughts of men. CHAPTER XV.--The answer, what devils can, and what they cannot do, in regard to the thoughts of men. CHAPTER XVI.--An illustration showing how we are taught that unclean spirits know the thoughts of men. CHAPTER XVII.--Of the fact that not every devil has the power of suggesting every passion to men. CHAPTER XVIII.--A question whether among the devils there is any order observed in the attack, or system in its changes. CHAPTER XIX.--The answer, how far an agreement exists among devils about the attack and its changes. CHAPTER XX.--Of the fact that opposite powers are not of the same boldness, and that the occasions of temptation are not under their own control. CHAPTER XXI.--Of the fact that devils struggle with men not without effort on their part. CHAPTER XXII.--Of the fact that the power to hurt does not depend upon the will of the devils. CHAPTER XXIII.--Of the diminished power of the devils. CHAPTER XXIV.--Of the way in which the devils prepare for themselves an entrance into the bodies of those whom they are going to possess. CHAPTER XXV.--Of the fact that those men are more wretched who are possessed by sins than those who are possessed by devils. CHAPTER XXVI.--Of the death of the prophet who was led astray, and of the infirmity of the Abbot Paul, with which he was visited for the sake of his cleansing. CHAPTER XXVII.--Of the temptation of Abbot Moses. CHAPTER XXVIII.--How we ought not to despise those who are delivered up to unclean spirits. CHAPTER XXIX.--An objection, asking why those who are tormented by unclean spirits are separated from the Lord's communion. CHAPTER XXX.--The answer to the question raised. CHAPTER XXXI.--Of the fact that those men are more to be pitied to whom it is not given to be subjected to those temporal temptations. CHAPTER XXXII.--Of the different desires and wishes which exist in the powers of the air. CHAPTER XXXIII.--A question as to the origin of such differences in powers of evil in the sky. CHAPTER XXXIV.--The postponement of the answer to the question raised. VIII.--THE SECOND CONFERENCE OF ABBOT SERENUS; ON PRINCIPALITIES. CHAPTER I.--Of the hospitality of Abbot Serenus. CHAPTER II.--A question propounded on the different kinds of spiritual wickedness. CHAPTER III.--The answer on the many kinds of food provided in Holy Scripture. CHAPTER IV.--Of the double sense in which Holy Scripture may be taken. CHAPTER V.--Of the fact that the question suggested ought to be included among those things to be held in a neutral or doubtful way. CHAPTER VI.--Of the fact that nothing is created evil by God. CHAPTER VII.--Of the origin of principalities or powers. CHAPTER VIII.--Of the fall of the devil and the angels. CHAPTER IX.--An objection stating that the fall of the devil took its origin from the deception of Eve. CHAPTER X.--The answer about the beginning of the devil's fall. CHAPTER XI.--The punishment of the deceiver and the deceived. CHAPTER XII.--Of the crowd of the devils, and the disturbance which they always raise in our atmosphere. CHAPTER XIII.--Of the fact that opposing powers turn the attack which they aim at men, even against each other. CHAPTER XIV.--How it is that spiritual wickedness obtained the names of powers or principalities. CHAPTER XV.--Of the fact that it is not without reason that the names of angels and archangels are given to holy and heavenly powers. CHAPTER XVI.--Of the subjection of the devils, which they show to their own princes, as seen in a brother's vision. CHAPTER XVII.--Of the fact that two angels always cling to every man. CHAPTER XVIII.--Of the degrees of wickedness which exist in hostile spirits, as shown in the case of two philosophers. CHAPTER XIX.--Of the fact that devils cannot prevail at all against men unless they have first secured possession of their minds. CHAPTER XX.--A question about the fallen angels who are said in Genesis to have had intercourse with the daughters of men. CHAPTER XXI.--The answer to the question raised. CHAPTER XXII.--An objection as to how an unlawful intermingling with the daughters of Cain could be charged against the line of Seth before the prohibition of the law. CHAPTER XXIII.--The answer that by the law of nature men were from the beginning liable to judgment and punishment. CHAPTER XXIV.--How this that is said of the devil in the Gospel is to be understood, viz., that "he is a liar and his father". IX.--THE FIRST CONFERENCE OF ABBOT ISAAC; ON PRAYER. CHAPTER I.--Introduction to the Conference. CHAPTER II.--The words of Abbot Isaac on the nature of prayer. CHAPTER III.--How pure and sincere prayer may be gained. CHAPTER IV.--Of the lightness of the soul which may be compared to a wing or feather. CHAPTER V.--Of the ways in which our soul is weighed down. CHAPTER VI.--Of the vision which a certain elder saw concerning the restless work of a brother. CHAPTER VII.--A question how it is that it is harder work to preserve than to originate good thoughts. CHAPTER VIII.--The answer on the different characters of prayer. CHAPTER IX.--Of the four kinds of prayer. CHAPTER X.--Of the order of the different kinds laid down with regard to the character of prayer. CHAPTER XI.--Of supplication. CHAPTER XII.--Of prayer. CHAPTER XIII.--Of intercession. CHAPTER XIV.--Of thanksgiving. CHAPTER XV.--Whether these four kinds of prayers are necessary for every one to offer all at once or separately and in turns. CHAPTER XVI.--Of the kinds of prayer to which we ought to direct ourselves. CHAPTER XVII.--How the four kinds of supplication were originated by the Lord. CHAPTER XVIII.--Of the Lord's Prayer. CHAPTER XIX.--Of the clause "Thy kingdom come". CHAPTER XX.--Of the clause "Thy will be done". CHAPTER XXI.--Of our supersubstantial or daily bread. CHAPTER XXII.--Of the clause "Forgive us our debts, etc." CHAPTER XXIII.--Of the clause "Lead us not into temptation". CHAPTER XXIV.--How we ought not to ask for other things, except only those which are contained in the limits of the Lord's Prayer. CHAPTER XXV.--Of the character of the sublimer prayer. CHAPTER XXVI.--Of the different causes of conviction. CHAPTER XXVII.--Of the different sorts of conviction. CHAPTER XXVIII.--A question about the fact that a plentiful supply of tears is not in our own power. CHAPTER XXIX.--The answer on the varieties of conviction which spring from tears. CHAPTER XXX.--How tears ought not to be squeezed out, when they do not flow spontaneously. CHAPTER XXXI.--The opinion of Abbot Antony on the condition of prayer. CHAPTER XXXII.--Of the proof of prayer being heard. CHAPTER XXXIII.--An objection that the confidence of being heard as described belongs only to saints. CHAPTER XXXIV.--The answer on the different reasons for prayer being heard. CHAPTER XXXV.--Of prayer to be offered within the chamber and with the door shut. CHAPTER XXXVI.--Of the value of short and silent prayer. X.--THE SECOND CONFERENCE OF ABBOT ISAAC; ON PRAYER. CHAPTER I.--Introduction. CHAPTER II.--Of the custom which is kept up in the Province of Egypt for signifying the time of Easter. CHAPTER III.--Of Abbot Serapion, and the heresy of the Anthropomorphites, into which he fell in the error of simplicity. CHAPTER IV.--Of our return to Abbot Isaac and question concerning the error into which the aforesaid old man had fallen. CHAPTER V.--The answer on the origin of the heresy described above. CHAPTER VI.--Of the reasons why Jesus Christ appears to each one of us either in His humility or in His glorified condition. CHAPTER VII.--What constitutes our end and perfect bliss. CHAPTER VIII.--A question on the training in perfection by which we can arrive at perpetual recollection of God. CHAPTER IX.--The answer on the efficacy of understanding which is gained by experience. CHAPTER X.--Of the method of continual prayer. CHAPTER XI.--Of the perfection of prayer, to which we can rise by the system described. CHAPTER XII.--A question as to how spiritual thoughts can be retained without losing them. CHAPTER XIII.--Of the lightness of thoughts. CHAPTER XIV.--The answer how we can gain stability of hearts or of thoughts. ---------- THE SECOND PART OF THE CONFERENCES OF JOHN CASSIAN, CONTAINING XI.-XVII. PREFACE. XI.--THE FIRST CONFERENCE OF ABBOT CHOEREMON; ON PERFECTION. CHAPTER I.--Description of the town of Thennesus. CHAPTER II.--Of Bishop Archebius. CHAPTER III.--Description of the desert where Choeremon, Nesteros, and Joseph lived. CHAPTER IV.--Of Abbot Choeremon and his excuse about the teaching which we asked for. CHAPTER V.--Of our answer to his excuse. CHAPTER VI.--Abbot Choeremon's statements that faults can be overcome in three ways. CHAPTER VII.--By what steps we can ascend to the heights of love, and what permanence there is in it. CHAPTER VIII.--How greatly those excel who depart from sin through the feeling of love. CHAPTER IX.--That love not only makes sons out of servants, but also bestows the image and likeness of God. CHAPTER X.--How it is the perfection of love to pray for one's enemies, and by what signs we may recognize a mind that is not yet purified. CHAPTER XI.--A question why he has called the feeling of fear and hope imperfect. CHAPTER XII.--The answer on the different kinds of perfection. CHAPTER XIII.--Of the fear which is the outcome of the greatest love. CHAPTER XIV.--A question about complete chastity. CHAPTER XV.--The postponement of the explanation which is asked for. XII.--THE SECOND CONFERENCE OF ABBOT CHOEREMON; ON CHASTITY.* * Omitted in this translation. XIII.--THE THIRD CONFERENCE OF ABBOT CHOEREMON; ON THE PROTECTION OF GOD. CHAPTER I.--Introduction. CHAPTER II.--A question why the merit of good deeds may not be ascribed to the exertions of the man who does them. CHAPTER III.--The answer that without God's help, not only perfect chastity, but good of every kind, cannot be performed. CHAPTER IV.--An objection, asking how the Gentiles can be said to have chastity without the grace of God. CHAPTER V.--The answer on the imaginary chastity of the philosophers. CHAPTER VI.--That without the grace of God we cannot make any diligent efforts. CHAPTER VII.--Of the main purpose of God, and His daily providence. CHAPTER VIII.--Of the grace of God and the freedom of the will. CHAPTER IX.--Of the power of our good will, and the grace of God. CHAPTER X.--On the weakness of free-will. CHAPTER XI.--Whether the grace of God precedes or follows our good will. CHAPTER XII.--That a good will should not always be attributed to grace, nor always to man himself. CHAPTER XIII.--How human efforts cannot be set against the grace of God. CHAPTER XIV.--How God makes trial of the strength of man's will by means of his temptations. CHAPTER XV.--Of the manifold grace of men's calls. CHAPTER XVI.--Of the grace of God, to the effect that it transcends the narrow limits of human faith. CHAPTER XVII.--Of the inscrutable providence of God. CHAPTER XVIII.--The decision of the Fathers that free-will is not equal to save a man. XIV.--THE FIRST CONFERENCE OF ABBOT NESTEROS; ON SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE. CHAPTER I.--The words of Abbot Nesteros on the knowledge of the religious. CHAPTER II.--Of grasping the knowledge of spiritual things. CHAPTER III.--How practical perfection depends on a double system. CHAPTER IV.--How practical life is distributed among many different professions and interests. CHAPTER V.--Of perseverance in the line that has been chosen. CHAPTER VI.--How the weak are easily moved. CHAPTER VII.--An instance of chastity which teaches us that all men should not be emulous of all things. CHAPTER VIII.--Of spiritual knowledge. CHAPTER IX.--How from practical knowledge we must proceed to spiritual. CHAPTER X.--How to embrace the system of true knowledge. CHAPTER XI.--Of the manifold meaning of Holy Scripture. CHAPTER XII.--A question how we can attain to forgetfulness of the cares of this world. CHAPTER XIII.--Of the method by which we can remove the dross from our memory. CHAPTER XIV.--How an unclean soul can neither give nor receive spiritual knowledge. CHAPTER XV.--An objection owing to the fact that many impure persons have knowledge while saints have not. CHAPTER XVI.--The answer to the effect that bad men cannot possess true knowledge. CHAPTER XVII.--To whom the method of perfection shall be laid open. CHAPTER XVIII.--Of the reasons for which spiritual learning is unfruitful. CHAPTER XIX.--How often even those who are not worthy can receive the grace of the saving word. XV.--THE SECOND CONFERENCE OF ABBOT NESTEROS; ON DIVINE GIFTS. CHAPTER I.--Discourse of Abbot Nesteros on the threefold system of gifts. CHAPTER II.--Wherein one ought to admire the saints. CHAPTER III.--Of a dead man raised to life by Abbot Macarius. CHAPTER IV.--Of the miracle which Abbot Abraham wrought on the breasts of a woman. CHAPTER V.--Of the cure of a lame man which the same saint wrought. CHAPTER VI.--How the merits of each man should not be judged by his miracles. CHAPTER VII.--How the excellence of gifts consists, not in miracles, but in humility. CHAPTER VIII.--How it is more wonderful to have cast out one's faults from one's self than devils from another. CHAPTER IX.--How uprightness of life is of more importance than the working of miracles. CHAPTER X.--A revelation on the trial of perfect chastity. XVI.--THE FIRST CONFERENCE OF ABBOT JOSEPH; ON FRIENDSHIP. CHAPTER I.--What Abbot Joseph asked us in the first instance. CHAPTER II.--Discourse of the same elder on the untrustworthy sort of friendship. CHAPTER III.--How friendship is indissoluble. CHAPTER IV.--A question whether anything that is really useful should be performed even against a brother's wish. CHAPTER V.--The answer, how a lasting friendship can only exist among those who are perfect. CHAPTER VI.--By what means union can be preserved unbroken. CHAPTER VII.--How nothing should be put before love or after anger. CHAPTER VIII.--On what grounds a dispute can arise among spiritual persons. CHAPTER IX.--How to get rid even of spiritual grounds of discord. CHAPTER X.--Of the best test of truth. CHAPTER XI.--How it is impossible for one who trusts in his own judgment to escape being deceived by the devil's illusion. CHAPTER XII.--Why inferiors should not be despised in conference. CHAPTER XIII.--How love does not only belong to God, but is God. CHAPTER XIV.--Of the different grades of love. CHAPTER XV.--Of those who only increase their own or their brother's grievances by hiding them. CHAPTER XVI.--How it is that if our brother has any grudge against us, the gifts of our prayers are rejected by the Lord. CHAPTER XVII.--Of those who hold that patience should be shown to worldly people rather than to the brethren. CHAPTER XVIII.--Of those who pretend to patience, but excite their brethren to anger by their silence. CHAPTER XIX.--Of those who fast out of rage. CHAPTER XX.--Of the feigned patience of some who offer the other cheek to be smitten. CHAPTER XXI.--A question how if we obey the commands of Christ we can fail of evangelical perfection. CHAPTER XXII.--The answer that Christ looks not only at the action, but also at the will. CHAPTER XXIII.--How he is the strong and vigorous man, who yields to the will of another. CHAPTER XXIV.--How the weak are harmful and cannot bear wrongs. CHAPTER XXV.--A question how he can be strong who does not always support the weak. CHAPTER XXVI.--The answer that the weak does not always allow himself to be borne. CHAPTER XXVII.--How anger should be repressed. CHAPTER XXVIII.--How friendships entered upon by conspiracy cannot be lasting ones. XVII.--THE SECOND CONFERENCE OF ABBOT JOSEPH; ON MAKING PROMISES. CHAPTER I.--Of the vigils which we endured. CHAPTER II.--Of the anxiety of Abbot Germanus at the recollection of our promise. CHAPTER III.--My ideas on this subject. CHAPTER IV.--Abbot Joseph's question, and our answer on the origin of our anxiety. CHAPTER V.--The explanation of Abbot Germanus why we wanted to stay in Egypt, and were drawn back to Syria. CHAPTER VI.--Abbot Joseph's question whether we got more good in Egypt than in Syria. CHAPTER VII.--The answer on the difference of customs in the two countries. CHAPTER VIII.--How those who are perfect ought not to make any promises absolutely, and whether decisions can be reversed without sin. CHAPTER IX.--How it is often better to break one's engagements than to fulfil them. CHAPTER X.--Our question about our fear of the oath which we gave in the monastery in Syria. CHAPTER XI.--The answer that we must take into account the purpose of the doer rather than the execution of the business. CHAPTER XII.--How a fortunate issue will be of no avail to evil-doers, while bad deeds will not injure good men. CHAPTER XIII.--Our answer as to the reason which demanded an oath from us. CHAPTER XIV.--The discourse of the elder, showing how the plan of action may be changed without fault provided that one keeps to the carrying-out of a good intention. CHAPTER XV.--A question whether it can be without sin that our knowledge affords to weak brethren an opportunity for lying. CHAPTER XVI.--The answer that Scripture truth is not to be altered on account of an offence given to the weak. CHAPTER XVII.--How the saints have profitably employed a lie like hellebore. CHAPTER XVIII.--An objection that only those men employed lies with impunity who lived under the law. CHAPTER XIX.--The answer that leave to lie, which was not even granted under the old Covenant, has rightly been taken by many. CHAPTER XX.--How even Apostles thought that a lie was often useful, and the truth injurious. CHAPTER XXI.--Whether secret abstinence ought to be made known, without telling a lie about it, to those who ask, and whether what has once been declined may be taken in hand. CHAPTER XXII.--An objection that abstinence ought to be concealed, but that things that have been declined should not be received. CHAPTER XXIII.--The answer that obstinacy in this decision is unreasonable. CHAPTER XXIV.--How Abbot Piamun chose to hide his abstinence. CHAPTER XXV.--The evidence of Scripture on changes of determination. CHAPTER XXVI.--How saintly men cannot be hard and obstinate. CHAPTER XXVII.--A question whether the saying, "I have sworn and am purposed," is opposed to the view given above. CHAPTER XXVIII.--The answer telling in what cases the determination is to be kept fixedly, and in what cases it may be broken if need be. CHAPTER XXIX.--How we ought to do those things which are to be kept secret. CHAPTER XXX.--That no determination should be made on those things which concern the needs of the common life. ---------- THE THIRD PART OF THE CONFERENCES OF JOHN CASSIAN, CONTAINING XVIII.-XXIV. PREFACE. XVIII.--CONFERENCE OF ABBOT PIAMUN; ON THE THREE SORTS OF MONKS. CHAPTER I.--How we came to Diolcos and were received by Abbot Piamun. CHAPTER II.--The words of Abbot Piamun, how monks who were novices ought to be taught by the example of their elders. CHAPTER III.--How the juniors ought not to discuss the orders of the seniors. CHAPTER IV.--Of the three sorts of monks which there are in Egypt. CHAPTER V.--Of the founders who originated the order of Coenobites. CHAPTER VI.--Of the system of the Anchorites and its beginning. CHAPTER VII.--Of the origin of the Sarabaites, and their mode of life. CHAPTER VIII.--Of a fourth sort of monks. CHAPTER IX.--A question as to what is the difference between a Coenobium and a monastery. CHAPTER X.--The answer. CHAPTER XI.--Of true humility; and how Abbot Serapion exposed the mock humility of a certain man. CHAPTER XII.--A question how true patience can be gained. CHAPTER XIII.--The answer. CHAPTER XIV.--Of the example of patience given by a certain religious woman. CHAPTER XV.--Of the example of patience given by Abbot Paphnutius. CHAPTER XVI.--Of the perfection of patience. XIX.--CONFERENCE OF ABBOT JOHN; ON THE AIM OF THE COENOBITE AND HERMIT. CHAPTER I.--Of the Coenobium of Abbot Paul, and the patience of a certain brother. CHAPTER II.--Of Abbot John's humility, and our question. CHAPTER III.--Abbot John's answer why he had left the desert. CHAPTER IV.--Of the excellence which the aforesaid old man showed in the system of the Anchorites. CHAPTER V.--Of the advantages of the desert. CHAPTER VI.--Of the conveniences of the Coenobium. CHAPTER VII.--A question on the fruits of the Coenobium and the desert. CHAPTER VIII.--The answer to the question proposed. CHAPTER IX.--Of true and complete perfection. CHAPTER X.--Of those who while still imperfect retire into the desert. CHAPTER XI.--A question how to cure those who have hastily left the congregation of the Coenobium. CHAPTER XII.--The answer telling how a solitary can discover his faults. CHAPTER XIII.--A question how a man can be cured who has entered on solitude without having his faults eradicated. CHAPTER XIV.--The answer on their remedies. CHAPTER XV.--A question whether chastity ought to be ascertained just as the other feelings. CHAPTER XVI.--The answer, giving the proofs by which it can be recognized. XX.--CONFERENCE OF ABBOT PINUFIUS; ON THE END OF PENITENCE AND THE MARKS OF SATISFACTION. CHAPTER I.--Of the humility of Abbot Pinufius, and of his hiding-place. CHAPTER II.--Of our coming to him. CHAPTER III.--A question on the end of penitence and the marks of satisfaction. CHAPTER IV.--The answer on the humility shown by our request. CHAPTER V.--Of the method of penitence and the proof of pardon. CHAPTER VI.--A question whether our sins ought to be remembered out of contrition of heart. CHAPTER VII.--The answer showing how far we ought to preserve the recollection of previous actions. CHAPTER VIII.--Of the various fruits of penitence. CHAPTER IX.--How valuable to the perfect is the forgetfulness of sin. CHAPTER X.--How the recollection of our sin should be avoided. CHAPTER XI.--Of the marks of satisfaction, and the removal of past sins. CHAPTER XII.--Wherein we must do penance for a time only, and wherein it can have no end. XXI.--THE FIRST CONFERENCE OF ABBOT THEONAS; ON THE RELAXATION DURING THE FIFTY DAYS. CHAPTER I.--How Theonas came to Abbot John. CHAPTER II.--The exhortation of Abbot John to Theonas, and the others who had come together with him. CHAPTER III.--Of the offering of tithes and first-fruits. CHAPTER IV.--How Abraham, David, and other saints went beyond the requirements of the law. CHAPTER V.--How those who live under the grace of the Gospel ought to go beyond the requirements of the law. CHAPTER VI.--How the grace of the Gospel supports the weak so that they can obtain pardon, as it secures to the perfect the kingdom of God. CHAPTER VII.--How it lies in our own power to choose whether to remain under the grace of the Gospel, or under the terror of the law. CHAPTER VIII.--How Theonas exhorted his wife that she too should make her renunciation. CHAPTER IX.--How he fled to a monastery when his wife would not consent. CHAPTER X.--An explanation that we may not appear to recommend separation from wives. CHAPTER XI.--An inquiry why in Egypt they do not fast during all the fifty days (of Easter), nor bend their knees in prayer. CHAPTER XII.--The answer on the nature of things good, bad, and indifferent. CHAPTER XIII.--What kind of good fasting is. CHAPTER XIV.--How fasting is not good in its own nature. CHAPTER XV.--How a thing that is good in its own nature ought not to be done for the sake of some lesser good. CHAPTER XVI.--How what is good in its own nature can be distinguished from other things that are good. CHAPTER XVII.--Of the reason for fasting and its value. CHAPTER XVIII.--How fasting is not always suitable. CHAPTER XIX.--A question why we break the fast all through Eastertide. CHAPTER XX.--The answer. CHAPTER XXI.--A question whether the relaxation of the fast is not prejudicial to the chastity of the body. CHAPTER XXII.--The answer on the way to keep control over abstinence. CHAPTER XXIII.--Of the time and measure of refreshment. CHAPTER XXIV.--A question on the different ways of keeping Lent. CHAPTER XXV.--The answer to the effect that the fast of Lent has reference to the tithe of the year. CHAPTER XXVI.--How we ought also to offer our first fruits to the Lord. CHAPTER XXVII.--Why Lent is kept by many with a different number of days. CHAPTER XXVIII.--Why it is called Quadragesima, when the fast is only kept for thirty-six days. CHAPTER XXIX.--How those who are perfect go beyond the fixed rule of Lent. CHAPTER XXX.--Of the origin and beginning of Lent. CHAPTER XXXI.--A question how we ought to understand the Apostle's words: "Sin shall not have dominion over you". CHAPTER XXXII.--The answer on the difference between grace and the commands of the law. CHAPTER XXXIII.--Of the fact that the precepts of the Gospel are milder than those of the law. CHAPTER XXXIV.--How a man can be shown to be under grace. CHAPTER XXXV.--A question why some times, when we are fasting more strictly than usual, we are troubled by carnal desires more keenly than usual. CHAPTER XXXVI.--The answer telling that this question should be reserved for a future conference. XXII.--THE SECOND CONFERENCE OF ABBOT THEONAS; ON NOCTURNAL ILLUSIONS.* * Omitted in this translation. XXIII.--THE THIRD CONFERENCE OF ABBOT THEONAS; ON SINLESSNESS. CHAPTER I.--Discourse of Abbot Theonas on the Apostle's words: "For I do not the good that I would". CHAPTER II.--How the Apostle completed many good actions. CHAPTER III.--What is the really good which the Apostle testifies that he could not perform. CHAPTER IV.--How man's goodness and righteousness are not good if compared with the goodness and righteousness of God. CHAPTER V.--How no one can be continually intent upon that highest good. CHAPTER VI.--How those who think that they are without sin are like purblind people. CHAPTER VII.--How those who maintain that a man can be without sin are charged with a twofold error. CHAPTER VIII.--How it is given to but few to understand what sin is. CHAPTER IX.--Of the care with which a monk should preserve the recollection of God. CHAPTER X.--How those who are on the way to perfection are truly humble, and feel that they always stand in need of God's grace. CHAPTER XI.--Explanation of the phrase: "For I delight in the law of God after the inner man, etc." CHAPTER XII.--Of this also: "But we know that the law is spiritual, etc." CHAPTER XIII.--Of this also: "But I know that in me, that is, in my flesh, dwelleth no good thing". CHAPTER XIV.--An objection that the saying, "For I do not the good that I would, etc.," applies to the persons neither of unbelievers nor of saints. CHAPTER XV.--The answer to the objection raised. CHAPTER XVI.--What is the body of sin. CHAPTER XVII.--How all the saints have confessed with truth that they were unclean and sinful. CHAPTER XVIII.--That even good and holy men are not without sin. CHAPTER XIX.--How even in the hour of prayer it is almost impossible to avoid sin. CHAPTER XX.--From whom we can learn the destruction of sin, and perfection of goodness. CHAPTER XXI.--That, although we acknowledge that we cannot be without sin, yet still we ought not to suspend ourselves from the Lord's communion. XXIV.--CONFERENCE OF ABBOT ABRAHAM; ON MORTIFICATION. CHAPTER I.--How we laid bare the secrets of our thoughts to Abbot Abraham. CHAPTER II.--How the old man exposed our errors. CHAPTER III.--Of the character of the districts which Anchorites ought to seek. CHAPTER IV.--What sorts of work should be chosen by Solitaries. CHAPTER V.--That anxiety of heart is made worse rather than better by restlessness of body. CHAPTER VI.--A comparison showing how a monk ought to keep guard over his thoughts. CHAPTER VII.--A question why the neighbourhood of our kinsfolk is considered to interfere with us, whereas it does not interfere in the case of those living in Egypt. CHAPTER VIII.--The answer that all things are not suitable for all men. CHAPTER IX.--That those need not fear the neighbourhood of their kinsfolk, who can emulate the mortification of Abbot Apollos. CHAPTER X.--A question whether it is bad for a monk to have his wants supplied by his kinsfolk. CHAPTER XI.--The answer stating what Saint Antony laid down on this matter. CHAPTER XII.--Of the value of work, and the harm of idleness. CHAPTER XIII.--A story of a barber's payments, introduced for the sake of recognizing the devil's illusions. CHAPTER XIV.--A question how such wrong notions can creep into us. CHAPTER XV.--The answer on the threefold movement of the soul. CHAPTER XVI.--That the rational part of our soul is corrupt. CHAPTER XVII.--How the weaker part of the soul is the first to yield to the devil's temptations. CHAPTER XVIII.--A question whether we should be drawn back to our country by a proper desire for greater silence. CHAPTER XIX.--The answer on the devil's illusion, because he promises us the peace of a vaster solitude. CHAPTER XX.--How useful is relaxation on the arrival of brethren. CHAPTER XXI.--How the Evangelist John is said to have shown the value of relaxation. CHAPTER XXII.--A question how we ought to understand what the Gospel says: "My yoke is easy, and my burden is light". CHAPTER XXIII.--The answer, with the explanation of the saying. CHAPTER XXIV.--Why the Lord's yoke is felt grievous and His burden heavy. CHAPTER XXV.--Of the good which an attack of temptations brings about. CHAPTER XXVI.--How the promise of an hundredfold in this life is made to those whose renunciation is perfect.