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     Incendium Amoris
     Also found under the titles: Melodia Amoris, De excellentia amoris Dei seu Amatori Dei sive, De Vita Contemplativa
     In the British Museum:
     Addit. MS. 24661
     Harl. MMS. 106 (fragment only) 275; 5235
     Reg. MS. 5. C. iii
     Sloane MS 2275
     In the Bodleian Library, Oxford
     Bod. MSS 16; 66; 86
     Laud. MSS 202; 528
     Rawl. MS A. 389
     Rawl. MS C. 397
     Oxford Colleges
     Balliol MS 224 A.
     Corpus Christi MS 193
     S. John's MS 127
     In the University Library, Cambridge
     Dd. 5.64.1
     Mm. 5.37.4
     In the Cambridge Colleges
     Caius MSS 140, 2; 332.4
     Emmanuel MS 35.6 (Both versions)
     S. John's MS 23.1
     English Versions
     Add. MS 37790
     C.C.C.O. MS 236
     De Emendatione Vitae
     Also found under the titles:
     De Emendatione Peccatorum (or Peccatoris)
     De modo vivendi et Regula in appetando perfectionem
     De Regula vivendi
     De Institutione Vitae
     Vehiculum Vitae
     In the British Museum
     Addit. MSS 16170; 24661; 34763
     Burn MS. 356
     Cott. Faust MS A.V. 9
     Egerton MS 671
     Harl. MSS 106; 275; 2439
     Sloane MS 2275
     In the Cambrideg Colleges
     Caius MSS 140.11; 216.1
     Jesus MS 46
     Peterhouse MS 218.5
     Trinity MS 14.iii.
     English Versions
     British Museum
     Addit. MS 37790
     Harl. MSS 1706; 2406
     Lansdowne MS. 455
     Trin. Col. MS. 432
     This list is only provisional, but it may be of some use to students of Rolle. Since it was made a note has appeared in the Athenaum of August 23, 1913, by Miss. H. E. Allen, in which she draws attention to another MS. of the Incendium in the Durham Cathedral library (MS. B. iv. 35). Miss Allen's forthcoming book will contain complete lists of all the known authentic writings of Richard Rolle.


     anent with, towards, concerning
     anon at once
     behested promised
     behold consider, regard
     boisterous rude, ignorant
     busily continually
     challenge demand, claim, provoke
     charge take care, consider
     chere countenance, face
     cherish entice, allure
     clearness purity
     comfort strength
     common share in common
     covet desire, desiring
     curiosity skill
     depart to part, separate
     discomfit to defeat, conquer
     discomfit conquest
     disease discomfort, anxiety
     dress direct, directing
     eftsoons again, afterwards
     empride take pride in
     errand business
     fairhead beauty
     feel used of all the senses: to perceive by smell, taste or touch; or mentally; to believe, think
     fellowly social
     flitings reproofs, quarreling
     fond foolish
     forbar obstruct
     forthink repent
     fret eat away, irritate
     gainbuy redeem
     gainbuyer redeemer
     gainsetting opposing
     gar to make, cause
     grave dig
     grieft injuries
     halse embrace, kiss
     herefore hence
     hie hasten
     ilk each
     impugnation spiritual assaults, temptations
     janglers talkers, chatters
     japes deceits
     let hinder
     letters hinderers
     lurk hide
     mannerly ordinately
     meanly moderately
     meed reward
     mickle much
     moisten inebriate
     outray outgoing, out of bounds, outrage
     pithily to the core
     plainly altogether
     pricking grief, sorrow
     privity secret
     reek smoke
     release relax
     reparel restore
     science knowledge
     sentence meaning
     settled free from dregs
     shrewd wicked, depraved
     sicker, sickerly sure, securely
     sickerness certainty, security
     slake extinguish, quench, kill
     snib blame
     soon straightway, forthwith
     spar bolt
     stint cease, limit
     stirrings temptation, exhortation
     strait severe, narrow
     teem empty
     thirl pierce, piercing
     umbelapped enwrappted
     umbeset set around
     unmeed with no reward
     vain empty
     vaunt to empty out
     waking vigil
     waste waste away, destroy
     whiles as long as, during
     withhold retain
     worthily deservedly


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This document (last modified March 02, 1998) from Believerscafe.com