HADJI MURAD by Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy First Published in 1904 Translation by Louise and Aylmer Maude Distributed by the Tolstoy Library OnLine A List of Tartar Words Used in HADJI MURAD Aoul A tartar village. Bar Have. Beshmet A Tartar undergarment with sleeves. Burka A long round felt cape. Dzhigit The same as a brave among American Indians, but the word is inseparably connected with the idea of skilful horsemanship. Gazavdt A holy war against the infidels. Imam The leader in the holy war, uniting in himself supreme spiritual and temporal power. Khansha The wife of a khan. Kizyak A fuel made of straw and manure. Kunak A sworn friend, an adopted brother. Murid A disciple or follower: "One who desires" to find the way in Muridism. Muridism Almost identical with Sufism. Murshed "One who shows" the way in Muridism. Naib A Tartar lieutenant or governor. Pilau An oriental dish prepared with rice and mutton or chicken. Saklya A Caucasian house, clay-plastered and often built of earth. Shariat The written Mohammedan law. Tarikat "The Path" leading to the higher life. Yok No, not.