ROMANS 8:26-29

Likewise the Holy Spirit also helps our infirmities:

For we know not what we should pray for as we ought:

But the Holy Spirit Himself makes intercession for us

with groanings which cannot be uttered. And God that

searches the hearts knows what is the mind of the

Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit makes intercession

for the saints according to the will of God. And we

know that all things work together for good to them that

love God, to them who are the called according to His

purpose. For whom He did foreknow, He also did

predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son,

that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.



I once heard a student home from Bible college report he

discovered nearly nine hundred books in the school library on the

subject of prayer. He planned to read each one carefully in order to

learn to pray; hence, you will find nothing new or different in this

chapter, but you will need it. It is short and simple, plain and

uncomplicated, personal and practical; worth reading again. I

personally listen and read everything on prayer I can find and I

recommend everyone do likewise, however, the best way to learn how to

pray, is to pray.

My definition of prayer was given to me by the Holy Spirit in mid

1985. I had been praying, seeking God, studying His word, and

questioning the Lord for three years on the answers to many questions I

had concerning answered prayer. When He illuminated my spirit, he gave

me this definition: Prayer is "Breathing in the Spirit."

We generally frustrate prayer by setting lengthy periods of time,

following certain formats and outlines, running down an endless list of

requests, or praying certain suggested prayers given by others. We may

religiously follow a certain pattern for months; only to become

discouraged and frustrated. Why? Could it be that we have failed

simply at becoming a prayer to God? "Pray without ceasing" (I Thess.

5:17). Unless (we) become a perpetual prayer to God, we cannot obey

that command.

Our physical bodies respond naturally to certain things: Eating,

drinking, hearing, blood flowing through our veins, and the beating of

our heart. All such things come naturally, without practice, and

without conscious thought. Breathing is perhaps the most natural. The

Holy Spirit revealed to me that prayer should be, for the Christian, as

natural as breathing is to the body. We never think of breathing;

unless, that is, our breathing becomes restricted in some way or

impeded. Why is prayer thus unnatural to one who claims to have

personal relationship with God? The answer is simple: Prayer is

unnatural/ that is, prayer is of the Spirit I.E. supernatural. As

easy, as uninhibited, as common place as physical breathing; so prayer

should be. It is not, however, because our spirit is born again - of a

new nature - but our body and soul are still of the old life. Our

physical bodies will eat, drink, and pump blood naturally but try and

exercise that body and see what happens. Rejection - resistance -

defiance. Why? It is unnatural, foreign, to the body. Does the body

benefit from such exercise? Certainly! Then why rejection? It is


The spiritual body - the regenerated human spirit - can, will, and

does pray naturally; that is, supernaturally. It has no trouble

functioning and operating in the supernatural realm since it, the born

again spirit, is spiritual in nature. The physical body, on the other

hand, is not spiritual but fleshly. It is because of the difference,

the contrast, therefore, we find difficulty in prayer; the soul

rebells. James confirms that the soul - the mind, will, and emotions

- of our make up is saved [delivered] only by the engrafted [planted]

Word of God (Jam. 1:21). It is the Word, therefore, to which we must

be found faithful to receive answers to our prayers.

Philippians 4:6

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and

supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made

known unto God.

I have prepared a small booklet entitled: "God's Three Steps To

Answered Prayer." It is filled with the promises of God's Word on

various topics which can be used when petitioning God. I caution the

reader not to consider these three steps as a specific formula by

which one demands of God, rather the elements of petitionary prayer.

Before looking at these three elements, might I point out that our

prayers to God are largely petitionary in nature? We need not always

ask, of course, but because He is our Heavenly Father, and because He

is indeed the God who hears and answers prayer, we will often make

request of Him. It does not anger, worry, bother, or otherwise

frustrate Him when we do. In fact, He is pleased. As one develops

spiritual intimacy with God in prayer, however, it will be discovered

that our petitions will take a great deal less time than ever before.

Actually, we will, as we pray in the Spirit, learn how to spend less

time in prayer with greater results.


Some Biblical translations interpret "be careful for nothing" as

(anxiousness). Literally we are not to become unduly distressed by

circumstances but rather make request of God. Simply stated: "Don't

be careless but go to God with everything."

The first thing required in petitionary prayer is "asking." I no

it seems silly to mention this; but, frankly, few of us ever get

around to asking God for anything. Sure, we pray; "God it's terrible,"

or "God, why did you allow this to happen to me?" or "I thought you

could do anything, God! So get on with it!" We spend a great deal of

time when we pray complaining, griping, fussing, cussing, arguing,

disclaiming, figuring, calculating, suggesting, threatening, wishing,

wanting, suffering, pushing, crying, hoping, and worrying; but rarely

do we get around to simply asking God. If you disagree, just listen

to yourself the next time you pray. Prayer, in its most basic form, is

simply asking God. If we ask, we will receive; if we seek, we will

find; and if we knock, it will be opened to us (Matt. 7:7-8). Are

there conditions? Certainly! All such conditions, however, are

clearly identified in Scripture; thus, know the Word if you plan to

pray. Our greatest concern should first be going to Him in petitionary

prayer and we begin doing that by simply asking. The Greek word for

"prayer" in the New Testament uses the prefix pro.. In another words,

put God "in front" of every thing through prayer.


Supplication is sometimes a misused word. It literally means "to

beg." If misunderstood, however, one could easily get the idea that we

need to fall on our face before God and beg and plead and beat the

ground, rending our cloths, and casting dust in the air; hoping we can

change God's mind. After all, we know God doesn't want to answer our

prayers so somehow we have to convince Him otherwise. Little wonder

are prayers are left unanswered. Supplication is nothing more than

agreement with God. The promises in His Word are numerous; God wants

to answer our prayers. If one does not believe this, receiving answers

consistently will be impossible.

Elijah was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he

prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on

the earth by the space of three years and six months. And he

prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought

forth her fruit (Jam. 5:17-18).

Elijah secured his request through earnest prayer. In another

words, he prayed until he got what he wanted. The key is, however,

Elijah wanted what God wanted - repentance by His people Israel. The

greatest cause for a lack of real answers to prayer is that we do not

pray "will of God" prayers - we simply do not agree with God. How do

we know if God wants what we want when we pray? We must know the Word!

Most of those who read this book find it impossible to believe that God

really does want to answer their prayers since most have been taught

differently. The only way that fallacy can be corrected is by the

engrafted word. Plant the Word within your heart and that can be

accomplished as we pray. As you petition your Heavenly Father, learn

to pray His Word. If you have trouble believing His will is to answer

your prayers, obtain a copy of my little booklet on "God's Three Steps

To Answered Prayer," and begin planting.


The third element of petitionary prayer is the giving of thanks.

Most of us are certainly willing to thank God after the fact but few

are bold enough to praise Him in advance. To forsake prepraise reveals

faithlessness in our prayers. Some are uncomfortable with such an

attitude, confessing it just doesn't seem right since God has not yet

answered the request. "After all," they proclaim, "what if He doesn't

do it?" I wish we would express that kind of boldness when we pray!

Thanking God simply means (the offering of grateful language).

Certainly we can show our appreciation by praising God until the answer

comes but do we? Most do not and thus receive no answer to their

request. Such thanks and praise prier to the answer is nothing more

than gratitude for the One who can and does answer prayer. It is not

thanking God for answering the request in advance, it is thanking God,

favoring God, appreciating God for being the One who can do something

about your petition. Such should be faithfully practiced till the

answer comes.


"Asking" God is telling Him what you want. "Agreement" is telling

God what He wants. "Appreciation" is telling God you are willing to

trust Him. "What if I'm unsure of what I want and what He wants? What

if I have trouble trusting Him?" Learn to pray in the Spirit. It is

the Holy Spirit who has been given to assist us when we pray "for we

know not what we should pray for as we ought." We, fortunately, have a

prayer Partner who knows not only how to pray, but prays perfect

prayers each and every time we join in partnership with Him. Could

this perhaps be the main reason why many, if not most, of our prayers

remain unanswered? It is time to begin to breath in the Spirit.


Praying in the Spirit offers purpose and Scriptural compatibility

in our fellowship with God. The ministry of the Holy Spirit is one of

prayer partnership in order that His, the Holy Spirit's, power might

be manifested. Such is the plan - will of God - on earth. As God's

power is revealed in us and through us, the mystery of the Holy Spirit

in prayer will be made known. We will thus clearly see all things

working together for good to them that love God. The image of God's

Son will be clearly stamped upon our lives and others will se Him.

They will see, not a story, not a man, not a historical figure, but

they will see God in us. They will see the firstborn among many

brethren who have learned to pray in the Spirit.


My youngest son was involved with an incident with an elderly

neighbor and because of his disrespect, he was punished. Following his

misdeed, I instructed him to return to the neighbor and apologize for

his misbehavior. I told him exactly what he was to say and why and I

sent along his older sister to insure my instruction would be followed

to the letter. Why did not I go myself? I felt my presence would be

of great embarrassment to him and thus sent his sister to both serve as

a witness and to confirm whether or not he repeated my Words.

The following day I suddenly realized that what had happened was a

prime example of the ministry of the Holy Spirit as our intercessor.

He bears witness that the truth is honored. He is sent to secure God's

Words in order that they, God's Words, might be spoken in the image of

His Son Jesus Christ. If my son, for example, had not gone to speak

with the neighbor, his sister could not have witnessed his

"confessions." We likewise must speak the Words of our Heavenly Father

for the Holy Spirit to bear witness of His truth at work in our lives.

I instructed my daughter to "make sure" her brother repeated word-for-

word what I had told Him to say. In another words, she was sent as an

intercessor to confirm and verify his speech/words. I trust you can

see it! Pray, and the Holy Spirit will pray, intercessory prayers of

confirmation. Learn to pray in the Spirit and you will insure that

the Words of God have been spoken.

