Today's Bible Study JULY 27

No Old Testament book gives such a full picture of Jesus Christ as the Book of Isaiah does. We see His birth (chapter 7:14), which can be paralleled with Matthew 1:23; we see the ministry of John the Baptist (chapter 40); Christ anointed by the Holy Spirit (chapter 62); Christ the Servant (chapter 42); Israel's rejection of Christ (chapter 66); and many other things paralleled with New Testament Scriptures.

John 12:38-41 tells us that Isaiah saw Jesus Christ in His glory. After seeing Christ, Isaiah looked at himself, and saw his own sinful condition and failures. A true vision of God and His holiness always makes us realize our shortcomings. Job saw God and repented. Peter cried out, "I am a sinful man!" when he saw Christ's glory and power. Self-righteous Saul saw that his own righteousness was but "garbage" compared to the glory of Christ. When a believer has a true experience with the Lord, it does not make him proud; it humbles and breaks him.

When Isaiah confessed his sins, he mentioned especially his unclean lips. Unclean lips are the products of unclean hearts. The prophet knew that he could not faithfully preach for the Lord unless he was prepared and cleansed. How different from some Christians who rush out to win souls to Christ before taking time to meet the Lord and be cleansed. God did meet Isaiah's need. He sent a seraphim to cleanse him with a coal off the altar. Note that it was more important for the seraphim to equip Isaiah to be a soul-winner than to praise God! True worship ought to lead to witnessing and soul- winning. Too many Christians want to hold on to a "spiritual experience" with the Lord, rather than be prepared to go out to share the Lord with others. The times of prayer and rejoicing with the Lord are precious, but Proverbs 11:30 says, "He that winneth souls is wise." The Lord commissioned each of His redeemed to be soul-winners.

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