by Albert James Dager

Last year, April 25, the world was stunned by the announcement in

some twenty major newspapers that "The Christ is Now Here." Large ads,

placed by an occultic New Age organization called Tara Center,

generated tremendous apprehension--even fear--in the hearts of many.

Its promise that this "christ" for our age--"Lord Maitreya"

(pronounced MY-TRAY-UH)--would appear within two months to guide

mankind into a new era of peace, prosperity, and brotherhood. It had

the earmarks of biblical prophecy regarding the anti-Christ.

Our subsequent rebuttal in concert with Church by the Sea

(Huntington Beach, CA) appeared in the LOS ANGELES TIMES the following

week, May 2, scripturally defining the only true Christ--Jesus--and

His Second Coming. In our full-page ad we pointed out that anyone else

who would pretend to christhood is at least one among many

anti-Christs, if not THE anti- Christ. Our ad, also, generated pockets

of interest worldwide and opened the door for no small amount of


Since that time, with the failure of Maitreya to appear as

predicted, many have been asking what has become of him and his

followers. Our most recent issue of MEDIA SPOTLIGHT includes an update

to our orininal, 14,000-word special report on Maitreya, his chief

apostle Benjamin Creme (KREHM), and the Tara Centers.

In our further investigations we found that discouragement has

taken a considerable toll among the ranks of Maitreya's disciples.

Many financial supporters of the Tara Center have withdrawn their

backing. In addition, the centers have had to close their New York

office while consolidating their two Los Angeles offices into one.

Their five paid staff members have had to seek other employment. In

short, the controversy has subsided considerably, and the efforts of

Maitreya's followers to aid in his appearance seemingly have come to a

dead end.

But in spite of the gloomy outlook from their point of view, there

is still much optimism among the ranks of "the faithful in Maitreya."

And lest Christians think the whole incident laughable, we should

remember that the Tara Center is only one of a network of over 10,000

New Age organizations still working for the establishment of a

one-world government under the spiritual direction of certain

"Ascended Masters"--men who have supposedly advanced up the

evolutionary scale to a higher spiritual plane.

For those who may have never heard of these developments, or who

would like to learn more, we offer our original six- teen- page


MAITREYA." An update, "Where Have You Gone 'Lord' Maitreya?" was

published in conjunction with a review of the movie, E.T. in the

latest issue of MEDIA SPOT-LIGHT. Included with a 14,000-word report

are copies of the Tara Center ad and a rebuttal.

A few copies of both publications are still available from:

Media Spotlight

P.O. Box 1288

Costa Mesa, CA 92626.

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