The November 1987 issue of Moody Monthly contained several articles

on the cults. These articles by noted discernment authors discussed

the Mormons, the Unification Church, the New Age Movement, and the

United Pentecostal Church. Noted charismatic author, Jamie Buckingham,

in the January 1988 issue of Charisma & Christian Life called the authors

of the Moody Monthly articles "heresy hunters" and likened them to

"sharks" and defended the United Pentecostal Church. He stated: "My

UPC friends, who disdain the term 'Jesus Only, ' tell me they really do

believe in the Trinity."

Is Jamie Buckingham correct? Does the UPC believe in the Trinity?

Thomas Weisser, a UPC minister, wrote in After the Way Called Heresy:

"Damnable heresies started entering in. The greatest of these is the

Trinitarian Doctrine. This doctrine is not found in Scripture!...Its

wording was borrowed from paganism" (page 4). Dr. Enroth questioned

Charisma: "Is he [Jamie Buckingham] familiar with that church's version

of the Doxology: 'Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, God is ONE

person; there is no Trinity. Amen.'?"

If Jamie Buckingham does not do deeper studies into those he

defends, he may next be endorsing the Jehovah's Witnesses, the

Mormons, or New Age Channelers!

(Dr. Ronald Enroth and C.F. Staff) The Colossian Fellowship P.O.

Box 12933

Seattle, Wa., U.S.A. 98111

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