The ÿfollowing ÿcommentary was taken from the Christian_Net ÿecho

(an international Fidonet bulletin board echo)


Greetings ÿKevin. ÿÿI ÿÿwanted to contribute a response ÿto ÿyour

inquiry concerning the growth of Islam in Britain.

I am an American, currently resident in the UK, with professional

research ÿexperience ÿin ÿmatters ÿinvolving ÿthe ÿMiddle ÿÿEast.

Statistics ÿclearly infer that over the past 20 ÿyears Islam ÿhas

been the fastest growing religion in Britain.

The ÿlargest ÿmosque in Western Europe is ÿsituated ÿin ÿLondon's

Regent ÿPark, ÿand there is an Islamic university alongside. ÿÿIn

1945 ÿthere was one mosque in England, in 1950 there were 25, ÿin

1960 ÿthere were 80, in 1976 there were 200, etc. Muslims here in

Oxford were finally given permission to establish a mosque a ÿfew

years ago, and it is located near where I live.

Within the past couple of years in one part of Birmingham one has

been able to hear above the urban din the electrically ÿamplified

calls ÿto prayer of a Muslim muezzin, ÿjust like in cities in ÿN.

Africa and the Middle East.

In ÿone ÿsense these facts are terribly disconcerting. ÿWhen ÿone

passes ÿthrough the English countryside it is the spires ÿof ÿthe

parish ÿchurches which are most prominent above all the villages,

yet ÿin recent years the abandonment of church buildings ÿbecause

of ÿdisuse ÿhas ÿbeen ÿa topic of much concern. ÿÿOne ÿthinks ÿof

England, ÿand one thinks of a *Christian* nation. ÿThe imprint of

Christianity ÿis everywhere. ÿLast Saturday I attended a memorial

service in the University Church for a don who died last ÿsummer,

and ÿthe ÿparticular congregation was predominantly ÿagnostic ÿor

atheistic, ÿÿbut ÿthe service itself was ÿChristian ÿthrough ÿand

through...a tradition.

England ÿis an Islamic target. ÿDuring an ÿinternational ÿIslamic

conference ÿin Longon in the late 1970s the keynote speaker said,

'If ÿwe ÿcan win London for Islam, ÿit won't be hard to ÿwin ÿthe

whole Western world.' ÿBut all this evidence is only part of ÿthe

picture. ÿMuslims are not noticed proselytising here...but, then,

Muslims ÿÿdo ÿnot ÿgenerally ÿproselytise ÿthe ÿway ÿÿevangelical

Christians do. ÿ*Jihad* means 'struggle' ÿrather more than 'war',

and *influence* can be part of it.

If ÿMuslims ÿare able to induce ecumenical attitudes ÿin ÿWestern

Christians, ÿit can prove advantageous for them. ÿYou may be sure

you ÿwill ÿnot encounter any reciprocal fair-mindedness in ÿSaudi

Arabia, ÿmuch less in Iran. ÿThe influence of the oil and markets

of ÿMuslim countries has been awesome. ÿThis has however ÿshifted

with ÿdevelopments in international affairs. ÿOil lost its ÿsway.

Terrorism went too far. ÿBritain and the rest of the West shifted

their ÿperspectives considerably. ÿIt must also be said that ÿthe

growth ÿof Islam in Britain has mainly been due to large ÿnumbers

of ÿÿÿMuslims ÿÿmoving ÿÿhere, ÿÿÿrather ÿÿthan ÿÿthrough ÿÿmany

converts...though there have been, ÿunhappily, ÿconversions ÿ(Cat

Stevens, the singer and composer, is a devout Muslim now).

Finally, ÿif you are in Washington, ÿDC, ÿyou should take note of

the 160 ÿft. ÿhigh minaret above the mosque of the Islamic Center

on ÿMassachusetts Ave. ÿAnd consider also the alarming growth ÿof

the Black Muslims in our country, the USA, and their links to the

most radical Islamic nations.

Read the Koran. ÿ'Allah' ÿis demonic, ÿand has NOTHING to do with

God. ÿBut Muslims in our midst are not to be feared or hated. ÿWe

must prayerfully, confidently, show them the Love of Christ, ÿand

speak the Truth to them without compromise.

David Canfil

Trinity 3 (Reading), UK


Greetings, ÿDavid. I ÿappreciated your words of encouragement and


Islam ÿis a formidable seducing spirit and a murderous one in the

world ÿtoday...and ÿno evidence is lacking in ÿsupport ÿof ÿthese

conclusions. ÿI empathize with some of the testimonials of others

which ÿpreceded my words about the threat of Islam to the UK; ÿÿI

would ÿagree ÿwith ÿthem that encounters with ÿunbelievers ÿ(i.e.

people who have no faith in any religion) ÿoften seem more common

and ÿproblematic ÿthan confrontations with Muslim ÿproselytising,

etc. ÿÿBut whatever Muslims may seem to have in common with us is

attributable ÿto the fact that Muhammed selectively borrowed ÿhis

values from Judeo-Christian revelation.

This ÿinfers ÿwhat it is that makes Islam one of ÿhistory's ÿmost

evil systems: ÿmost of the other so-called 'great religions' ÿare

not ÿknown to have originated amongst peoples who 'exchanged ÿthe

truth ÿof ÿGod ÿfor a lie'; ÿthere's no evidence that ÿBuddha ÿor

Confucius, ÿfor instance, ÿever knew the truth of God; ÿprimitive

tribes around the planet have variously created and developed all

manner of unusual and imaginative religious systems; but Muhammed

KNEW Christians and Jews, ÿhe was also exposed to the Old and New

Testaments, ÿand the religion satan spawned through him was, ÿÿin

other words, a Judeo-Christian heresy from its inception.

The ÿspiritual ÿbondage ÿof Islam is ÿtremendously ÿsinister ÿand

strong. ÿÿIslam ÿis ÿno ÿless ÿdevoted ÿto ÿworld ÿconquest ÿthan

Communism. ÿÿAnd ÿIslam is very, ÿvery cruel. ÿAs ÿthe ÿhistorian

Toynbee ÿonce ÿput it, ÿwhile believers in Jesus and Buddha ÿhave

sometimes ÿwaged ÿmurderous, ÿunjust wars in the names ÿof ÿtheir

religions, ÿwhen they did it they were not following the examples

of the founders of their respective faiths; ÿbut, ÿhe said, ÿwhen

Muslims ÿdo ÿit they follow the example of Muhammed ÿhimself...he

wiped out whole communities of peoples who resisted him, allowing

debased ÿsensuality, ÿpillage and slave-taking as enticements ÿto

his followers.

All unbelievers are equally dead in their sins while they ÿremain

unbelievers, ÿÿÿbut ÿIslam ÿBEGAN ÿas ÿa ÿheresy. ÿÿMuslims ÿÿare

consistently ÿthe most difficult of peoples to convert to Christ,

and this explains why.

David Canfil



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5 4 3 2 1 (1) Belief [Shahada]

(2) Alms [Zakat]

(3) Fast [Ramadan]

(4) Pilgrimage [Mecca]

(5) Prayer [5 x a day]

The ÿritual prohibitions together with the 5 pillars and as ÿmany

good deeds as is possible do not guarentee that paradise will ÿbe


The ÿKoran ÿhas no assurance of a 'heaven'. ÿIt relies ÿon ÿman's

doing and all the failures associated with it.

How like the nominal christian who believes in a creed(1), ÿgives

to charity(2), ÿgoes to church, birth, ÿmarriage and death , with

the odd christmas and easter thrown in(4), ÿand prayer, ÿwell yes

if pushed or maybe every now and then at bedtime(5).




Christianity does not rely on MAN, ÿGod sent HIS SON an ÿatoining

sacrifice for our sins (1 John 4:10)

The ÿGULF has been crossed by Jesus himself at Calvary and we can

have eternal life here and now, recieve it and be sure of it, ÿno

one can take it away Jesus promise "none shall pluck them from my


The KEYS may look the same but only JESUS fits, only JESUS is the

sinless, ÿÿspotless SON OF GOD. ÿTHE GOD-MAN, ÿGod incarnate ÿin

human flesh, JESUS is the only way.

I pray this Lord Jesus is your Saviour and your Lord now.

David Rance



"It ÿis commonplace today to speak of the battle of the ÿeighties

to be between Islam, Marxism and Third World Christianity.

Western ÿChristianity is on the whole too flabby to ÿdo ÿanything

about it. One of the clearest symptoms of this is the sad decline

in true spirituality amongst the majority of Western Christians.

We have neglected our prayer life; ÿwe have stopped listening ÿto

God; ÿwe have been caught by the covetous spirit of our ÿaffluent

society, ÿÿand worshipped the false god of materialism. ÿWe ÿhave

exchanged our knowledge of *Theos* (God) for heady disputes about

theological words, ÿor for religious or social activism. ÿWe have

forgotten how to be still before God, how to meditate, trapped as

we ÿare in the vortex of modern life. ÿWe have lost our sense ÿof

direction; ÿand, ÿconfused and bewildered, ÿwe know little of the

exhuberant ÿjoy ÿof celebration enjoyed by God's people down ÿthe

centuries, even in tough and depressing situations.

There ÿis ÿlittle to attract the unbeliever in ÿthe ÿtraditional,

organized ÿChurch. ÿÿThe tragedy is that most people outside ÿthe

Church ÿtoday are hungry and thirsty for God or for some form ÿof

spiritual reality, but the Church as an institution has little to

offer in terms of living bread or the wine of the Spirit.

It ÿis hardly surprising, ÿtherefore, ÿthat a growing number ÿare

turning ÿto ÿthe ÿcults, ÿÿto eastern mysticism, ÿÿor ÿto ÿoccult

practices ÿin ÿpursuit of a basic spirituality that ÿthe ÿWestern

Church no longer seems to provoke.

From ÿDavid Watson's foreword to 'Celebration of Discipline', ÿby

R. Foster

David Canfil


Dear ÿAnton - Just a note here: ÿMuslims most emphatically do not

believe the same things as Christians, ÿthough they share some of

the same moral values...along with many other religions.

And even more emphatically, the Koran does NOT contain ANY of the

same books as the Bible.

Some of the historical figures from Scripture are mentioned in the

Koran, ÿÿbut ÿtheir characters and ÿsignificances ÿare ÿradically

altered, particularly the Person of Jesus Christ.

Islam is an anti-Christ system, ÿplainly and simply. Jesus is the

Son ÿof God. ÿIslam explicitly denies the fact, ÿand many ÿothers

which are absolutely essential. The question here is not what you

or ÿI ÿor ÿanyone think about Jesus or about ÿMuhammed ÿor ÿabout

anything. ÿÿIt has to do with what God has revealed. ÿThere is no

way that one can be a Christian and admit the relative merit of a

seductive, satanic deception... which is precisely what Islam is.

If there are any doubts, read the Koran.

I ÿtoo ÿknow ÿmany Muslims personally, ÿfrom a ÿwide ÿvariety ÿof

backgrounds. Many are warm, hospital folks on personal terms.

But ÿdon't be deceived by that which has deceived generations ÿof

their people. ÿStand firm under the Banner of Christ. ÿJesus died

on the Cross for YOU! Muhammed didn't.

The ÿsimplest ÿway ÿto ÿdeal with this, ÿÿfor ÿanyone ÿwho ÿfeels

confused, ÿis to personally submit the matter to God, ÿthe God of

the Bible, ÿin prayer. ÿHe is Lord! ÿHe will clarify these points

very ÿsatisfactorily, ÿand in a personal, ÿloving, ÿÿand ÿutterly

convincing way, I assure you.

In Him, David Canfil


From: David Canfil

To: All Msg #301, 25-Nov-87 03:59pm


Some quotes from the KORAN concerning Jesus and Christianity:

"Those who say: ÿ'The Lord of Mercy has begotten a son,' preach a

monstrous falsehood, ÿat which the very heavens might crack, ÿthe

earth break asunder, and the mountains crumble to dust. That they

should ascribe a son to the Merciful, when it does not become Him

to beget one!" 19:88.

"...of Jesus, who said to the Israelites: 'I am sent forth to you

by ÿAllah to confirm the Torah already revealed and to give ÿnews

of an apostle that will come after me whose name is Ahmed'" ÿ61:6

(Note: ÿÿ"Ahmed" ÿÿis another name of Muhammed's, ÿÿmeaning ÿ"The

Praised One").

"The Jews say Ezra is the son of Allah, ÿwhile the Christians say

the Messiah is the son of Allah. ÿSuch are their assertions, ÿÿby

which they imitate the infidels of old. ÿAllah confound them! How

perverse they are! They worship their rabbis and their monks, and

the Messiah the son of Mary, ÿas gods besides Allah; ÿthough they

were ordered to serve one God only. There is no god but Him" 9:30

(Note: ÿÿThe charge that Jews say Ezra is the son of Allah has no

known basis in Jewish religious tradition).

"To ÿMoses ÿWe gave the Scriptures and after him ÿWe ÿsent ÿother

apostles. ÿÿWe ÿgave Jesus the son of Mary ÿveritable ÿsigns ÿand

strengthened him with the Holy Spirit. ÿWill you then scorn ÿeach

apostle whose message does not suit your fancies, ÿcharging ÿsome

with ÿimposture ÿand slaying others? ÿThey say: ÿ'Our hearts ÿare

sealed.' But Allah has cursed them for their unbelief. ÿThey have

but ÿlittle faith. ÿAnd now that a Book confirming their own ÿhas

come to them from Allah, ÿthey deny it, ÿalthough they know it to

be ÿthe ÿtruth ÿand ÿhave ÿlong ÿprayed ÿfor ÿhelp ÿagainst ÿÿthe

unbelievers. May Allah's curse be upon the infidels!" 2:86.

"With ÿthose ÿwho ÿsaid they were Christians We made ÿa ÿcovenant

also, ÿÿbut ÿthey ÿtoo ÿhave forgotten much ÿof ÿwhat ÿthey ÿwere

enjoined...People of the Book! ÿOur apostle has come to reveal to

you ÿmuch ÿof ÿwhat you have hidden of the ÿScriptures, ÿÿand ÿto

forgive ÿyou ÿmuch. ÿÿA ÿlight has come to you from Allah ÿand ÿa

glorious ÿBook...Unbelivers are those who declare: ÿ'Allah is the

Messiah, the son of Mary'" 5:14-17

"Believers, ÿÿtake neither Jews nor Christians for your ÿfriends.

They ÿare friends with one another. ÿWhoever of you ÿseeks ÿtheir

friendship shall become one of their number. Allah does not guide

the wrongdoers" 5:51.

"Unbelievers are those who say: 'Allah is the Messiah, the son of

Mary.' ÿFor the Messiah himself said: 'Children of Israel, ÿserve

Allah, ÿÿmy ÿLord ÿand your Lord.' ÿHe that worships ÿother ÿgods

besides Allah shall be forbidden Paradise and shall be cast ÿinto

the fire of Hell. ÿNone shall help the evildoers. Unbelievers are

those that say: 'Allah is one of three.' There is but one God. If

they do not desist from so saying, ÿthose of them that disbelieve

shall ÿbe ÿsternly ÿpunished. ÿÿWill they not turn ÿto ÿAllah ÿin

repentance ÿand ÿseek ÿforgiveness of Him? ÿHe is ÿforgiving ÿand

merciful. ÿÿThe ÿMessiah, ÿthe son of Mary, ÿwas no more than ÿan

apostle..." 5:72-75.

* Origin: Trinity 2 - Faringdon, Oxfordshire (511/113)

ine', ÿby

R. Foster