Taken from the book "HERESIES EXPOSED" by Wm. C. Irvine

Article written by A. J. Pollock


CHRISTADELPIANISM makes a great show of appealing to Scripture. Every

lover of the truth will be well content to judge this system by such an

unerring standard. No seeker after light need fear the result. If it be of

God, Scripture will surely be its amplest vindication; if not of God, its

fullest exposure.

Nor is it mere details we shall have to consider. There is not one

important fundamental doctrine upon which Christendom has for ages been

agreed that is not by this system denied.

The book from which we cull extracts to show what they (Christadelphians)

distinctly hold, and which was sent to the writer by a Christadelphian to

convince him of their tenets, consists of thirty-six propositions, with

about five hundred Scripture quotations. The number of Scripture is their

exposure, as we shall see. Read by the careless or ignorant, they may

succeeding misleading, but once let the truth be clearly stated by

Scripture, it will soon be apparent how great is the deception.


1) Christadelphians believe that the Lord Jesus Christ was not divine, but

merely a man - thus aiming a fatal blow at the whole scheme of redemption.

Let us quote their words:

"Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is not the `second person' of an eternal

Trinity of Gods, but the manifestation of the One Eternal Creator, who is

`above all and through all' (Eph. 4:6) and `out of whom are all things'

(Rom. 11:36). This Creator is Spirit, dwelling corporally and personally

in heaven, yet in His Spirit-effluence filling immensity. (How strangely

careless yet deceptive is this piece of writing! The Creator is Spirit.

How, then,can He dwell corporally in heaven?) By this Spirit-effluence He

begot Jesus, who was therefore His Son: by the same power He anointed him

and dwelt in him, and spoke to Israel through Him (Heb. 1:1). Jesus

Christ, therefore, in the days of his weakness, had two sides - one deity;

the other man; but not as construed by Trinitarianism, which makes Jesus

the Son Incarnate. The man was the son whose existence dates from the

birth of Jesus; the Deity dwelling in him was the Father, who without

beginning of days, is eternally pre-existent. There were not two or three

eternal persons before `the man Christ Jesus,' but only One-God the

Father, whose relation to the Son was afterwards exemplified in the event

related by Luke (Chap. 1:35), by which was established what Paul styles

the `mystery of godliness;' `God manifested in the flesh, justified in the

Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the

world, received up to Glory' (1 Tim. 3:16)."

In this proposition is stated, as clearly as words are able, that the

Lord Jesus is not God the Son. No one believes in "an eternal Trinity of

Gods," but Christendom believes in God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy

Spirit - one God. Christendom believes in a Triune God, not in a plurality

of Gods. This can be proved most clearly from Scripture. Yet we are told

in this proposition that there are not two or three eternal persons, that

Jesus is not the Son Incarnate, that He is only God's Son as begotten into

this world, Whose existence dates only from His birth, that Deity is not

essential to the person of the Lord Jesus, but "Deity dwelling in Him was

the Father."

The whole proposition is entirely false. Let Scripture, to which they so

confidently appeal, answer them. The Christadelphians assert that the Lord

Jesus had no existence previous to His incarnation. The Lord's own words


John 8:58

Jesus said to them, "Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I


Again observe carefully the words of the Lord Jesus Himself:

John 17:5

"And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory

which I had with You before the world was."

Rom. 9:5

...of whom are the fathers and from whom, according to the flesh, Christ

came, who is over all, the eternally blessed God. Amen.

John 1:1-3

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word

was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through

Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.

John 1:14

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory,

the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

Could refutation of Christadelphian teaching be more convincing and


In denying the essential Deity of the Son, the fountain of Christadelphian

teaching is poison at its source. What wonder, then, that the stream

emanating from such a source is baneful and poisonous! To proceed further:


2) Christadelphians deny the atoning value of the death of Christ, and thus

would take from us, if they could, the Saviour. They say:

"The death of Christ was not to appease the wrath of offended Deity,

but to express the love of the Father in a necessary sacrifice for sin

that the law of sin and death which came into force by the first Adam

might be nullified in the second in a full discharge of its claims through

a temporary surrender to its power; after which immortality by

resurrection might be acquired, in harmony with the Law of obedience.

Thus sin is taken away, and righteousness established."

Here the death of the Lord Jesus is looked at as the expression of the

Father's love. Doubtless it is the expression of God's love, and who would

wish to question that? But mark, reader, the righteousness of God demanding

satisfaction for sin is entirely ignored. The death of Christ, they say,

was not to appease the wrath of God. Surely holiness and righteousness had

their claims, and if God's love is to be righteously shown to sinners in the

offer of forgiveness of sins and salvation, there must be satisfaction

rendered to God's holiness and righteous claims against sin. In the book

quoted from, Christ is not referred to as Saviour, nor the precious blood as

that which alone can cleanse from sin, and the confession of Jesus as Lord

is altogether ignored. How inexpressibly sad!


3) If Christadelphianism denies the divine personality of God the Son, we

are quite prepared that they should deny the divine personality of the Holy

Spirit. They teach that:

"The Spirit is not a personal God distinct from the Father, but the

radiant, invisible power or energy of the Father, filling universal space

and forming the medium of His omniscient perceptions and the instrument of

His omnipotent behests, whether in creation or inspiration; the

distinction between the Father and the Spirit being not that they are two

persons, but that the Father is Spirit in focus so intense as to be

glowing substance inconceivable, and the Spirit, the Father's power, in

space-filling diffusion, forming with the Father a unity in the stupendous

scheme of creation, which is in revolution around the Supreme source of

All Power."

Thus in grand, swelling, empty words they deny the personality of the

Spirit of God.

On the contrary, Scripture repeatedly refers to the Holy Spirit as a


John 16:13

"However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into

all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears

He will speak, and He will tell you things to come."

[See also Matt. 28:19; John 19:16-17,26; 15:26]


4) "The Devil is not (as is commonly supposed) a personal supernatural agent

of evil, and that in fact, there is no such being in existence. The Devil

is a scriptural manifestation - subjective, individual, aggregate, social

and political, in history, current experience, and prophecy; after the

style of metaphor which speaks of wisdom as a woman, riches as MAMMON and

Satan as the God of this world, sin, as a master, etc."

The purpose of Satan is well served if people can be persuaded that he

does not exist. Can subtlety go further?


5) Christadelphians, not content with denying heaven to the believer, refuse

to believe in a hell or eternal punishment at all. They settle it in very

few words. They say:

"It also follows of necessity, that the popular theory of hell and

`eternal torments' is a fiction."

As Christadelphians deny heaven to be the believer's portion, and deny

the very existence of hell, they are forced to propound what they call

"conditional immortality" to cover their retreat.

Enough has been shown to prove that this system is anti-Christian and

Satanic. We can understand that, once having started with a wrong premise

as to the person of God the Son, error after error was needed wherewith to

bolster up this daring attack on Christianity.

It may be contended that amidst this mass of error the Christadelphians

at least are sound as to their acknowledgment of God the Father. Even this

contention Scripture takes from them, and they are left completely under the

curse of Scripture. They deny the Divine Personality of the Son. Scripture

tells us in this connection that:

1 John 2:23

Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either, he who

acknowledges the Son has the Father also.

2 John 7,9,10,11

For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus

Christ as coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an Antichrist.

Whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does

not have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father

and the Son.

If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive

him into your house nor greet him; for he who greets him shares in his evil


Without God, without the Father, without the Son, without the Holy

Spirit, without atonement, without a hope of heaven, how truly terrible

their condition is! Theirs is indeed a system of error without one

redeeming feature.


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