

The entire BIBLE points in all directions to the cross. Upon

it God's only begotten Son died that we might have eternal life

from God. Only through Christ can this separation be bridged.

On the other hand, MORMONISM points in all directions to the

"Law of Eternal Progression". We have seen that Mormon doctrine

states that God was once a man. He progressed to become God. The

same law states that man may become God!

Let's go to the authorities of the church and hear what they

have said, first on the subject of man's pre-existence as a

spirit in a "spirit world" prior to taking a body here on earth:



"Pre-existence is the term commonly used to describe the

pre-mortal existence of the spirit children of God the Father ...

All men and women are in the similitude of the universal Father

and Mother, and we are literally the sons and daughters of Deity;

as spirits they were the offspring of celestial parentage ...

Unless God the father was a personal Being, He could not have

begotten spirits in His image, and if there had been no self-

existent spirit element, there would have been no substance from

which those spirit bodies could have been organized."

The basis of the Mormon law of progression in Mormonism is

that "intelligences" are eternal. On the other hand, God is not!

He started as a spirit child in another 'spirit world' long ago;

entered a body on another earth as a man; apparently was able to

follow the law of progression perfectly; after death He became

God in the 'celestial kingdom' of that other earth; brought (or

was given) many wives; through sexual union in our spirit world

had billions of spirit children : The first was Jesus, the second Üf��Ü�Lucifer, the third and on and on were to enter the earth as you

and me.

No organic difference in the parentage between us and Jesus

and Lucifer! We all have the same literal "Heavenly Father". Note

how those in Mormonism generally refer to Him as "Heavenly

Father" -- they mean just that - LITERALLY!! Just remember that

they could say also; "Heavenly GRANDFATHER", "Heavenly Great-

Grandfather", and so on ...!


pages 127-129 (1958)

"In the first stage, man was an eternally existent being

termed an intelligence ... The next realm where man dwelt was the

spirit world."

According to Mormon concept eternally existing intelligences

were clothed with spirit bodies in the mansion of their eternal

Father... "numerous sons and daughters were begotten and born of

heavenly parents into that eternal family in the spirit world ...

There ... they were reared to maturity, becoming grown spirit men

and women prior to coming upon this earth ... Following his stay

in the spirit world, man comes to earth in a probationary state

.. receives a physical body and undergoes the experiences of

mortality .. Eventually; however, mortal death comes upon all.

The eternal spirit goes to the spirit world to wait resurrection

and judgement ... there they shall be assigned to the glory that

they have merited ... Some will receive celestial glory; others

terrestrial, while those who are recorded in the 'Lamb's Book of

Life' will enter celestial glory. There some of them will become

angels and others priests and kings, or, in other words, Gods."

On page 12, Hunter states a basic "truth" of Mormonism, that

God is subordinate to the law of eternal progression.: "Our

Eternal Father has attained His position of exaltation and

Godhood by obedience to the great law of progression."


"The intelligent part of man was never created but always Üf�Ü�existed. That is true of each of us as well as it is of God, yet

we are born sons and daughters of God in the spirit and are

destined to exist forever. Those who become like God will also be

from eternity to eternity."

The BIBLE states explicitly that there are no intelligences

co-eternal or co-existent with God. Anything that exists, other

than God, is a "thing". COLOSSIANS 1:16-17 and JOHN 1:1-3 state

that ONLY Jesus is co-eternal with God as the "WORD WAS GOD"

(John 1:1). He is before all "things" and created all "things".

His creation did not pre-exist Him! God knows the beginning and

end of all things before they exist. There are several scriptures

stating HE "knew" us before we were born. They do not imply we

existed before we were born.

"The burden of the word of the Lord of Israel, saith the

Lord, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the

foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within

him." (ZECHARIAH 12:1)


The BIBLE states over and over that we do not merit

salvation (eternal life in God's presence) by our own goodness

and system of good works from or for any organization. You need

only to study the Old Testament and see the hopelessness of a

system whereby man was to live within God's laws with the system

of prophets - temples - priests and ordinances. The purpose of

Jesus coming to earth to die for us was to make provision for our

own inability to bridge this separation of man from God and

brought a new covenant. If you choose Mormonism as your plan of

salvation, you have regressed to the old covenant of the prophet,

temple and ordinance which produce only "dead works" in an

attempt to obtain righteousness on your own. If you trust the LDS

church and its prophets; here is what is said:



"Thus all men who ascend to the glorious status of Godhood

can do so only by one method - by obedience to all the principals

and ordinances of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (another way of

saying "Mormonism")... Men are saved no faster than they gain

knowledge. The Prophet Joseph described the process of going

toward Godhood as follows: When you climb a ladder, you must Üf�Ü�begin at the bottom, and ascend step by step, until you arrive at

the top; and so it is with the principles of the Gospel - you

must begin with the first, and go on until you learn all of the

principles of exaltation. But it will be a great while after you

have passed through the veil before you will have learned them."


"The sectarian dogma of justification by faith alone has

exercised an influence for evil."


"For we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after

all we can do."


LDS CHURCH TRACT; pg 32,46,47

"Christians speak often of the blood of Christ and its

cleansing power. Much that is believed and taught on this

subject, however, is utter nonsense and so palpably false that to

believe it is to lose one's salvation. Many go so far, for

instance, as to pretend, at least, to believe that if we confess

Christ with our lips and avow that we accept Him as our personal

Savior, we are thereby saved ... And no man can pick the fruit of

eternal life off the branches, as these are tied to the vine,

without accepting both Christ and His prophets ... If it had not

been for Joseph Smith, the Prophet, the perfect knowledge of

Christ would not be had in the world in this day. If it had not

been for him and his mission there would be no legal

administrators now on earth to administer in the ordinances of



"The second birth begins when men are legally baptized in

water by a legal administrator ... Those who receive the Gospel

(Mormon Doctrine) and join the church of Jesus Christ of Latter

day Saints have power given them to become sons of God."

(Compare to John 1:12 -- "But as many as received Him, to

them gave He power to become sons of God..")


"Those things which men are directed to do to attain peace

in this life and gain eternal life in the world to come are

collectively called the commandments."

BRUCE R. McCONKIE; MORMON DOCTRINE; preface to 1966 Edition; pg


"Man is saved no faster than he gains knowledge -- (See I

Corinthians 1:17,20-23,2:1-5) -- To gain salvation after baptism

it is necessary to keep the commandments of God and endure to the

end ... The most important things that any member of the church

of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints ever does in this world are:

1. To marry the right person, in the right place, by the right

authority (Mormon Temple marriage); and 2. to keep the covenant

made in connection with this holy and perfect order of matrimony

- thus assuring the obedient persons of an inheritance of

exaltation in the celestial kingdom."

CHURCH NEWS-EDITORIAL; November 8,1975; page 16

"There is only one way to become sanctified and perfected,

and thus prepared to live with God. That is by obedience to His

laws. There is no other way ... When will we learn to obey him

with all our heart, mind and strength?

(Compare with Luke 10:27 - "Thou shalt love the Love the

Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with

all thy strength, and with all thy mind....")


"If men and women obey all the other laws of the gospel

except that of celestial marriage (Mormon Temple Marriage), they

are appointed angels ...."


"Once we have been resurrected, it will be our own efforts,

and not Christ's sacrifice, that will be the deciding factor ...

A man can be saved only so fast as he gains knowledge of the laws

of God." Prophets ... temples ... Obedience to the Law ...

Aaronic Priest .. Legalisms ... Dependent on our own efforts and Üf��Ü�good works ...

Sound familiar? Old Testament in a new wrapping? Wrapped in

Christian terminology? Mormonism calls the unsuspecting back

under what amounts to the old covenant. If righteousness could be

obtained, earned or gained by our own efforts to be perfect under

the law, there would have been no need for a "NEW" covenant. If

all Christ's death meant was to conquer death - to pay for Adam's

sin as Mormonism teaches - why are the following among the great

number of God's words declaring the TRUTH of the NEW COVENANT of

salvation through Christ, by faith, not works of the law. Look up

these scriptures and review their full context:


JOHN 6:28,29,39,40 ... What must we do to be doing the works of

God? This is the work of God that you believe in Him whom He


ROMANS 3:21,22 ... No one is justified by the works of the law.

Now righteousness of God is manifested apart from the Law.

ROMANS 4:13-16 ... If it is adherents of the Law that are to be

heirs, then faith is NULL and the promise void.

ROMANS 7:4-6 ... Died to the Law through the body of Christ.

Discharged from the law, dead to that which held us captive, so

that we serve not under the old written code but in new life of

the Spirit.

ROMANS 8:1-4 ... God has done what the law could not do!

ROMANS 9:30-32 ... Israel who pursued righteousness based on the

law did not succeed. WHY? They did not pursue it through faith,

but as if it were based on works.

ROMANS 10:1-4 ... A zeal for God - but not enlightened. Seeking

to establish their own righteousness. Christ is the end of the

law. Romans 14:1-23 and Colossians 3:8-23 are clear refutations

of the point made by Joseph Smith in "Words of Wisdom" to not

drink and eat certain things is nothing more than MAN'S

regulation and NOT from God. Read and see what God said through

the Apostle Paul!

Üf�Ü�GALATIANS 2:16 ... Man is not justified by works of the law but

is through faith!

GALATIANS 2:19-21 ... Died to the law, that I might live to God.

I do not nullify the Grace of God; for if righteousness were

through the law, then Christ is dead in vain.

GALATIANS 3:10 ... As many as are under the works of the law are

under the curse!

GALATIANS 3:23-28 ... Before faith came, we were under the law -

our schoolmaster (Custodian) until Christ came. Now that faith is

come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.

GALATIANS 5:18 ... If led by the Spirit, you are not under the


II TIMOTHY 1:8-10 ... Who saved us, not according to our works,

but according to His own purpose and grace.

TITUS 3:3-9 ... He saved us, not by works of righteousness which

we have done, but according to His mercy. Being justified by



If salvation is not by works of our own under the law and

ordinances, HOW IS MAN SAVED? Just a few of the scriptures God

has given us are:

JOHN 3:1-18 ... YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN! In context Jesus,

Himself, explains that, not only do we have a natural birth

(Flesh) but a spiritual birth! "Whosoever believeth in Him shall

not perish but have everlasting life (ETERNAL)!

ROMANS 5:1-11 ... Christ died for us, sinners, who are now

justified by His blood. We are reconciled through Him.

ROMANS 5:15-17 ... The free gift of righteousness by the grace of


ROMANS 10:9-17 ... Confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and

believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead, you will be


Üf�Ü�GALATIANS 2:16-21 ... We are justified by faith. Our old nature

is crucified with Christ; Christ now lives in us; we live by

faith --- not the law!

EPHESIANS 2:8-10 ... "For by grace are ye saved through faith;

and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God: Not of works,

lest any man should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in

Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that

we should walk in them."

Works have nothing to do with our justifying eternal life.

The Mormon will be quick to point out James 2:17 - "Even so

faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone." AMEN! That is

not denying salvation by faith. What it is saying is this: "You

say you are saved? Saving faith will naturally flow into a life

that will show evidence of it. Your 'works' will testify of your

faith. If none, there is reason to question whether there really

was a saving faith to start with." To quote Ed Decker in his

tract "To Moroni with Love"; You do not bark to become a dog nor

"baa" to become a sheep. You bark because you are a dog or "baa"

because you are a sheep! Christians, when born-again and indwelt

by the Holy Spirit, have a never ending desire to follow the Lord

Jesus in their daily life behavior. "Works" is not an appropriate

name as it suggests payment after the work has been done. Christ

made the payment IN FULL for our sins by His blood for us; if

only we REPENT of our sins and ACCEPT Him by faith. It is

available only through God's grace for an eternal life.

I JOHN 1:7 ... Blood of Jesus cleanseth us from all sin.

HEBREW 9:23-28,10:10-18 ... Jesus was the sacrifice, once, to

perfect forever those who are sanctified.

ROMANS 5:6-11 ... We are reconciled by His blood.

ISAIAH 53:6-11 & I CORINTHIANS 5:17-21 ... Our iniquity was laid

on Jesus; to die for us; that we might be made the righteousness

of God in Him. Üf�Ü�

I PETER 2:24 ... "Who his own self bare our sins in His own body

on the tree, that we, being dead to sins should live unto

righteousness: By whose stripes ye are healed."

You will never (Well, We won't say never because God may

have His plan for their salvation that We are not aware of at

this moment) see a cross on a Mormon structure. They will say

call it a "graven image"; yet "Moroni" stands on top of their

temples. Moroni didn't die for them. Joseph Smith, Jr. didn't die

for them. The church didn't die for them. JESUS DIED FOR THEM, if

they would only cling to His cross and reach out to claim His

blood for their sins. They're told they can earn their own

righteousness based on the law of the church which is based on

"prophets, seers and revelators" proven -TIME AND AGAIN- to be

false. Wouldn't you rather lay your eternal life in the hands of

the ETERNAL GOD; the SON who, personally, died for you - than,

say, a "prophet" in Salt Lake City?

Our prayer is that this comparison of the Bible vs: the LDS

Mormon church will show you the LIGHT of CHRIST.

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