And we know that all things work together for good to

them that love God, to them who are the called according

to His purpose.


It has already been noted that the "we" are those submitted

to walking in the Spirit and prayerfully walking in agreement with

the will of God through intercessory partnership. Likewise the

"we" are those who "love" God - have experienced His friendship -

through "all things" which the Father incorporates into the life

of His own. The "called," however, reveals something different,

something unique, something special about these who walk in

agreement with the Holy Spirit of God.


The Greek word for "called" in our text means (the invited).

It comes from a term meaning (to incite by word). The "called"

are those

who have been invited by the Word of God to receive the inheritance of

sonship. If one accepts the invitation, they in turn are accepted by

the Heavenly Father and become His family.

Since my wife and I have three children, we know what it means to

prepare for birthday parties. First, the children select those they

wish to invite. They each have many friends but since we cannot

accommodate the entire church and school at once, they must select

[choose] those whom they feel will, first come, and secondly, those

whose company they enjoy the most.

Secondly, the children solicit those they wish to invite. The

dictionary uses the word "invite" as a synonym for (solicit). That is,

making request of others for a particular purpose. The solicitation is

a result of selection and is generally done by word of mouth or, in

some cases, by written request.

The third thing which occurs is separation. Some they have

solicited are, for one reason or another, unable to attend. This

leaves the "selected" few. These select few are separated from all

their other friends. It has nothing to do with whether or not the

remaining children are better than other children, It simply means they

are separated by choice out of friendship.

The fourth thing I will emphasize concerning the selection of

those coming to the party, is that they are sanctified - set apart for

a particular purpose, I.E. the birthday party. They most certainly are

coming because they were invited, and because they wish to do so, and

they plan to have fun, too; but the truth is, they have been set apart

[sanctified] from others.

Finally one might say that these invited guests are "secured."

They have been selected and solicited. In turn, they are separated

from others and sanctified - set apart - for a party. Then they are

secured - officially made guests. In essence, they are the "called."

By now you see the spiritual parallel. The "called" are

(selected) to become His children out of His love. Thus we are

(solicited) [invited] to become His eternal family. As such, we are

(separated) from others; not because we are special or unique in and of

ourselves, but because He, our Lord Christ, is special to the Heavenly

Father and uniquely the Son of God. Furthermore, we are (sanctified).

We have been divinely set apart with purpose, made pure by the blood of

Christ, for the glory of God. Then, finally, we are (secured) -

officially made His possession, "the Holy Spirit bearing witness with

our spirit that we are the children of God" (Rom. 8:16-17). Such are

the "called" of God - incited by His Holy Word.


I suggest you stop for a few minutes and turn in your Bible to the

Old Testament and read the ten chapters of Esther. This fascinating

story illustrates so well how we are called of God.

Esther, along with perhaps hundreds of other women, were selected

- chosen - by the king to participate in a beauty pageant. Although

the call from the king went out to all women, the only women solicited

for the pageant were virgins for he, the king, was choosing his queen.

This uniquely separated these women from all others. For six months

they were fastidiously bathed, groomed, beatified, and treated with

oils of myrrh. For another six months they were lavishly anointed with

the finest perfumes of the kingdom. Thus these select few, then

solicited, and separated women were sanctified [purified] for a special

purpose, that is, to become the queen. Following the twelve months of

purification, one out of all the others was secured and confirmed as

the ruling queen.

At this point, one might suggest that the illustration fails

because we, "the called," are many, not "one." On the contrary, we are

one - the Body of Christ. Additionally, the "called One" is none other

than the only begotten Son of God and the Father sees us as "one" in

His Son. Jesus prayed exactly that in John 17 just before His

crucifixion. Pay careful attention to our Lord's remarks, as He prayed

to the Father: "That they all may be one; as You, Father, are in me,

and I in you, that they all may be one in us: that the world may

believe that you have sent me" (John 17:21). Thus we hold a unique

position in relationship to the Heavenly Father. As we pray in the

Spirit, therefore, such uniqueness should be recognized with reverence.


Our Lord used the word "chosen" often in reference to His own.

John's Gospel records the words of the Lord Jesus in such context:

"You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you" (John 15:16). Again He

said we are "chosen out of the world" (John 15:19). The Greek word

"chosen" is used twenty-one times in the New Testament and is

translated "to (select). We are the "selected" ones; not because we

have selected [chosen] Him, but because He, God, has selected [chosen]



Although the dictionary defines "chosen" or "choose" as (to

select), a clarification is additionally offered as: (To take or fix

upon by an act of will in accordance with a decision made by judgment).

"Select", on the other hand, suggests a preference based upon

discrimination. The word "discrimination" has, over the years, gained

an ugly connotation but if used properly, simply means (to distinguish

between persons or things by noting differences).

Such doctrine often results in spiritual insecurity on the part of

some simply because of the fear that perhaps God makes His selection,

or choice, by chance. The "choosing," or selection, is not guess work

nor has God made His choice as though picking the best out of a litter

of kittens or puppies. The word "chosen" comes from a root, or base,

lego, meaning (to lay forth). This same root word, lego, is the base

for logos - the Word...The Word of God. Thus, the Heavenly Father

makes His choice, or selection, based upon those who responde to the

"call" of His Word. They become His "chosen." Even our word "called"

taken from Romans 8:28 comes from a root meaning (to incite by word).

It is the Word of God which calls us and results in God's choice of

children - sons and daughters of God.


God's people have a covenant which distinguishes them from others.

God secures their relationship with Him through the covenant for

eternity and it releases tremendous power when lived by faithfully. It

is binding and bounding and unbreakable. It is even confirmed by God's

own Son to insure finality.






A covenant could be defined as: (Mutual agreements by the

confession of promises confirming common interests, guidelines, and

boundaries). Although the western mind has little knowledge, and

practically no comprehension of the true nature of covenant, Asian and

African populations, on the other hand, have been firmly structured by

such relationships since ancient times. The closest example we might

have in the western hemisphere of such a relationship would be


Some believe that love constitutes marriage. Many, however,

confess their love for each other today but one out of every two

marriages ends in divorce. If we were to inculcate with this

statistic, all the couples living together who subsequently separate

and go their own way, the figures of divorce would be astronomical.

Marriage, and covenant, have almost no meaning in today's society.

If love does not constitute marriage, then what? The speaking,

or confessing, of vows confirms a marriage. The couple stands before

God and friends and confess not only their love, but their desire -

personal will - to give themselves to each other for the rest of their

lives. These confessions [vows] are spoken before God, and personally

witnessed to insure eternality. Love, therefore, consecrates, rather

than constitutes, marriage. The spoken vows, on the other hand,

announce a covenant relationship and have their roots in covenants

performed by ancient peoples. The Hebrews were equally acquainted with

covenant since God Himself established covenant with them. Covenants,

I might add, can only be broken by death; hence, the marital vow:

"Till death do us part."


Although volumes could easily be written on the nature and

character of Biblical covenant, I offer here a simple overview for a

better understanding of those pages to fallow. In the next chapter, we

will take a more intimate look at how covenant applies in light of our

partnership with the Holy Spirit in prayer.

In more ancient times, howbeit practiced even today by many

tribes, the making, or cutting, of a covenant was the strongest, most

binding, form of agreement possible. The word "covenant" means

literally (to cut). This comes from the offering of a sacrifice which

had to be cut [slain] to offer its blood, and from the cutting of hands

or wrists to confirm the covenant between persons or tribes. God's

covenant with Abraham and his progeny was "cut" by circumcision;

something totally foreign among the peoples of the earth at that time.

Often representatives were chosen to speak in the be half of

tribes and peoples. Later the tribes would join together in

celebration of the cut covenant. The representatives would sit and

discuss covenant - the agreements they would share. This involved

insuring warlessness between them, protecting each other from outside

attack, the sharing of crops, the provision of need if, for example one

might suffer loss from drought or flood, etc.

Following the agreements, gifts would be exchanged. Sometimes

daughters of the heads of tribes would be exchanged in marriage as

tokens of total commitment to the covenant. More often gifts such as

weapons, the most valued possession of the chiefs, would be exchange as

a symbol of their loyalty. Cattle, horses, sheep, and other such

valuables might also be exchanged.

An animal would always be sacrificed thus symbolizing the severity

of the covenant. The animal would be cut in half and separated, -

divided. The blood, and death of the animal, demonstrated the

seriousness of the agreement. Anyone breaking covenant would be killed

and his blood shed. The sacrifice likewise represented the covenant

was until death. The parties involved, perhaps the representatives who

had been selected, would then walk about the severed pieces of the

sacrificed animal in a figure eight; symbolic of an everlasting

agreement - continuous - unbroken.

There, of course, would also be the exchange of promises. The

gifts offered were usually representative of those promises but verbal

promises were also made. Again, promises of protection, provision, and

total loyalty. To confirm there allegiance which they had confess

verbally, the cutting of the wrists would follow. As the blood ran

from the wound, hands were then raised and they would swear to the

covenant. This practice is very likely where modern day court

procedures got the swearing in of a witness as they raise their right

hand to swear to tell the truth. Sometimes the palms of hands were cut

and the participants would grasp hands and swear to the agreement being

made. This is perhaps how the practice of shaking hands was


During the covenant ceremony, the confessing of blessings and

cursings for compliance and breech of the covenant would occur. In

this way, everyone involved would fully understand the power, force,

behind the agreements made. Even the exchange of names would be a part

of the cutting of covenant to insure triable identification.

The final element of the cutting of a covenant would be the

covenant meal. The heads of tribes would sit and share a simple meal,

often bread and wine, to demonstrate sincerity of perpetual fellowship.

The covenant meal confirmed the agreement was sealed and permanent,

never to be broken. The celebrations then would begin.

It should be noted that such covenants were called "love

covenants" because those involved were intimately bonded by promise.

The love covenants were so powerful that no one ever, from the day it

was cut, would ever question its validity. Entire nations lived and

died by the covenants established. The oriental, with their ninja

warriors and samurai, understood such covenants. The African and South

American tribes likewise lived by such agreements and gave their lives,

if necessary, to protect those in covenant. Perhaps this explanation

of covenant will offer insight to the covenant God made with Abraham in

the book of Genesis.

As you continue to read the balance of this book, keep in mind

that Jesus the Christ is God's representative sent to offer Himself as

the covenant today. He, Jesus the Lord Christ, is come as a "love

covenant:" "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten

Son." He even gave His life to insure the covenant would never be

broken and shed His blood to secure His people. His hands, wrists,

were scarred from the nail prints to remind us of that covenant cut

with God. The mystery of the Holy Spirit, on the other hand, is

revealed in the part He plays in keeping, or maintaining, covenant

relationship with our Heavenly Father. He does this through

intercessory prayer - according to the will, covenant, of God.


As just seen, a covenant has certain elements which are part of

it's nature, that is, those things necessary for covenant

establishment. Likewise, a covenant has character - distinctives -

which afford effectiveness and performance, without which the agreement

is negated.


The efficacy of a cut covenant was only if one had been conceived

I.E. born into, as family. Otherwise, a new covenant would thus have

to be cut. If one, on the other hand, was born into a covenant family,

all benefits of the covenant were immediately available.

Our Lord spoke to Nicodemus by night and told him he must be born

again to inherit the kingdom of God. That inheritance was the covenant

for which our Lord Christ came to secure, by the sacrifice of His life,

for eternity. It is not accidental that Paul proclaimed: "That if you

confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord, and you believe in your heart

that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved" (Rom. 10:9).

Confession must first be made. What is the confession? "Jesus is

Lord!" This immediately secures all that He has and can do for you

because you have exchanged your life for His and He has already done so

for you upon the cross.

Additionally, Romans 10:9 refers to what we must believe: "God

has raise Christ from the dead." This belief is not something mystical

or something one must generate before salvation is secured. it simply

means "commitment." In covenant, one must demonstrate commitment.

Such was often shown by the cutting, the sacrifice, the blood shed, or

the exchanging of gifts. For the one confessing Jesus as Lord, all

these things were done for them by Christ who offered Himself as the

vicarious sacrifice. As we will see in the next chapter, we only need

fellowship - commune with our Heavenly Father - by sitting down to the

covenant meal. The Holy Spirit assists us in performing and

maintaining this fellowship through covenant prayer. We, however, must

believe [commit] and simply submit to the Holy Spirit who has been sent

to functionalize the covenant we already have by Christ.


Although circumcision is widely practiced today for reasons of

proper hygiene, it originally was practiced by the Hebrews because of

God's covenant with them through Abraham. As stated earlier, a

covenant was confirmed by a "cutting" in the hands or wrist. In the

case of the Abrahamic covenant, however, God required circumcision;

something totally unknown at that time. I suggest that you stop and

read Genesis chapters 15 through 22 . Within these chapters you will

see the elements of covenant already discussed, including the

requirement of circumcision.

The question is, however, why did God require circumcision?

Generally, and even in the case of our Lord, the cutting was in the

hand or wrist so all could see the scars and recognize covenant

relationship. Abraham, and all of his descendants, were required a

cutting which was private, unseen, and hitherto unknown; seen only by

God. Circumcision speaks of intimacy and singularity. God made

covenant with one man at one time and all the descendants of that one

man would come under that covenant by circumcision; thus identifiable.

The act of circumcision, of course, was symbolic of that which was to


Circumcisions were to be performed on the eighth day following

one's birth (Acts 7:8 ). Our Lord arose on the eighth day, that is,

the first day of a new week. Thus by His "circumcision" we are

covenanted with God (Col. 2:11). Our symbolic circumcision speaks of

"newness." The number (8) in Scripture speaks of a "newness" or "new

beginning." Be reminded once again that during the animal sacrifice in

the covenant ceremony, the sacrifice was divided [separated] and the

participants walked in a figure eight in and around the two halves of

the divided animal. Our Lord traversed life and death eternally when

He arose on the eighth [first] day of the week.

As circumcision was given to Abraham and his descendants as a

"sign" (Rom. 4:11), so our spiritual circumcision of the heart

[spirit] is a sign; private unseen, hitherto unknown, made without

hands (Rom. 2:28-29). Circumcision was given Abraham as a "seal" of

his faith in God (Rom. 4:11). Such seals in Old Testament times were

given by the king, or ruler, of the land to indicate absolute

authority. Usually the king's ring was imprinted [stamped] in hot wax

to secure a document, only to be opened by another such of equal

authority and power. The "seal" of circumcision was symbolic of

Abraham's faith, thus he, Abraham, was given the righteousness of God.

We likewise have obtained such righteousness and been given the "seal"

of the Holy Spirit, and thus possess the righteousness of our Heavenly

Father (Eph. 1:13). We are even "justified," by faith whether we be

circumcised or uncircumcised physically (Rom. 3:30).

Upon reading Luke's account of the Acts of the apostles and Paul's

teachings in both the letters to the Romans and Galatians, we discover

there was quite a controversy in the early church over circumcision.

Paul and Peter even engaged in debate over it. Some were promoting

that circumcision was a Scriptural requirement for salvation. Paul

made it clear, however, that such teaching was simply not true. He

stated, however the following: And you are complete in Him, which is

the head of all principality and power: In whom also you are

circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off

the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ (Col.

2:10-11). Christ obtain circumcision for us and then, by faith and

confession in Him as Lord, He gives us the circumcision of the

heart/spirit (Rom. 2:29). Could this possibly be the symbolic meaning

of the piercing of our Lord's side - near the heart - I.E. the

circumcision of the heart?

As the circumcision required by God of Abraham was private,

unseen, and intimate, so is the circumcision of the heart. God was the

only one able to see [know] Abraham was in covenant with Him and it is

thus the Holy Spirit who likewise sees [knows] of our spiritual

circumcision: "And God that searches the hearts, knows what is the

mind of the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit makes intercession for

the saints according to the will - covenant - of God."


Although the shedding of blood, confession of promises, the

exchanging of gifts, the cutting of flesh, and the offering of

sacrifices, all demonstrated covenant, these were all signs given to

show confirmation. Actually confirmation could only be in evidence as

those in covenant lived out their lives. The same is representative in

marriage today. Couples may hold a marriage certificate, they may have

given blood to be tested, which is generally required by state

governments before marriages are granted, they may have confessed their

love and devotion publicly before God and friends, they may have

exchanged gifts I.E. the wedding rings, they may even live together as

husband and wife, but do any of these things confirm a marriage? A

marriage is only confirmed by the faithfulness of those whose lives are

conducted in harmony. In another words, if the couple practices what

they preached - confessed - in their spoken vows. Many Christians

today not only have little knowledge and understanding of Biblical

covenant with God, but they are simply not faithful to the confessions

of the mouth I.E. Jesus as Lord.

While in Bible college, my roommate brought back his fish tank

from home one weekend. We got everything set up, including the

miniature castles, multi colored rocks, the sparkling geodes with their

tiny stalactites and stalagmites, and the pump to freshen the water

with bubbling oxygen. Since my roommate had furnished the tank and all

of its accessaries, I offered to purchase the fish. We made plans to

barrow a friends car the very next weekend, and every weekend

thereafter, to purchase some fish; but we never purchased a single


We lived in a four-plex on campus and our apartment had the washer

and dryer. The other students living in our complex had to come and

use the washer and dryer and often they would load the machines and

then sit in our living room patiently waiting for their laundry. They

often, of course, began gazing at our twenty gallon brilliantly lighted

exquisitely furnished, fishless fish tank. After several minutes of

studying the empty tank, they always inquired,

"Hey, you guys...where's the fish in this thing?" Our answer was

always the same. Without looking up from our books, we said,

"Oh, they're in there hiding among the geodes and castles. Just

keep looking." They often lasted several minutes before they realized

they were being fooled and retrieving their clothes from the machines,

they would vacate the apartment with a snort and a smile.

I use this illustration many times to demonstrate how often it is

discovered that people confess salvation without ever truly confessing

Jesus as Lord. Many have the appearance of Christianity - They glitter

and shine, they function in the element of spirituality, they carry

their Bible, they pray, they sing the Christian song, they bubble with

the joy of the Lord - but when scrutinized by the brilliant

illumination of the Holy Spirit, there is no covenant reflection.

Not every one that says unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into

the kingdom of Heaven; but he that does the will of my Father

which is in Heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord,

Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? And in your name

have cast out devils? And in your name done many wonderful

works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you:

Depart from me, you who work iniquity (Matt. 7:21-23).

Such teaching should not bring condemnation or fear to the heart of one

truly walking in covenant relationship with the Heavenly Father. Such

acts, on the other hand - preaching the Word, casting out unclean

spirits, and the doing of signs and wonders - should indeed confirm

that we are covenant Believers (Mark 16:15-20). Such faithfulness in

working the works of our Lord should not be an attempt to confirm

covenant, but rather should be the evidence that we indeed are covenant

people. In another words, we are faithfully married to our LOrd and

our love is confirmed consistently by the way we live in Him. In this

way, that which is unseen - the circumcision of the heart/spirit - can

be seen by those outside of covenant relationship with God. "Let your

light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and

glorify your Father which is in Heaven" (Matt. 5:16). Perhaps Paul

described it best: "For we are the circumcision, which worship God in

the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the

flesh" (Phil. 3:3).


And we know that all things work together for good to them

that love God, to them who are the called according to His


It has been previously stated that the "we" are not simply all

Christians but rather "the called." The called people have been chosen

by God because they have heard and responded to the call of His

eternal Word. Because of their response, God has made covenant with

them through His Son Jesus Christ. Thus, these "called" are able to

"know" - see with spiritual vision through faith - that all things are

worked together for their benefit. They, the called, indeed "love" -

have made friends with God - through all things they face together in

covenant relationship. Such a friendship is only possible by covenant.

In essence, they who take up prayer partnership with God's Holy Spirit

have embraced the love covenant as God works all things together for

their benefit. The mystery of the Holy Spirit is in how He keeps

renewing this covenant relationship as He "makes intercession for the

saints according to the will of God." Thus, it is of absolute

necessity we learn to pray in the Spirit.