An article in the Telegraph November 22nd '88 reported that the

pathway to canonization (a declaration by a pope that a person is now

in Heaven, and that public prayers may be made to them, for they in

turn will intercede for us), is being speeded up. Mother Drexel, a

former Boston heiress, who renounced her fortune, has now been

beatified, a mere 33 years after her death. The requirements for

sainthood, apart from an exemplary life, is that `well-authenticated

miracles' be performed in their name.

The article continues that chances of being made a saint are going up!

"Many people," said a Vatican-watcher "have been done in `job lots.'

In June 1988, Vietnam was blessed at a stroke with 117 saints!"

The dictionary definition of "job lot" is "a collection of cheap or

trivial items. A miscellaneous collection of articles sold as a lot."

--Women's Protestant Union

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